00:01:647 (1,2) - and 00:08:504 (1,2) - are the same sounds, still the spacing is completely different. I think making 00:08:504 (1,2) - a bit larger in spacing is alright, for buildup reasons, however the jump you have here right now is too much i think
00:12:361 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - think the jump to 1 is a bit large for the sound being represented by 1. Also the stream is a bit too much, if you still want to keep it however, i would recommend decreasing the spacing between the circles, to fit the energy of the song
00:24:147 (1,2,3,4) - This burst is kinda hard to read, as it's the first 1/3 burst in the map, and you don't really notice it if you don't know the song.
00:39:789 (1,2,3) - i dont think you should space it that far away from 00:39:361 (3,4,5) - as there's no really strong sound that would justify it
00:40:218 (3) - could shorten it to normal 1/4 slider and really space out 00:40:432 (1) - i think that would make cool contrast
00:44:325 (3) - move this back to the white tick. currently it is unsnapped
01:11:718 (3) - same with this one
01:27:039 (3) - move the tail out to the white tick to make more sense
01:52:897 (3) - move back to the white tick
00:55:010 (1,2,3) - triple sounds pretty unfitting honestly, also off with the actual guitar
00:55:010 (1) - this sounds a lot later than the actual string, guitar lands around 00:54:974 - so maybe u can try different snapping here or just simplify this whole guitar rhythm to something simpler (or ignoring it like u did on insane diff)
00:56:285 (1,2,3) - triple sounds too off, maybe just one slider on white tick
02:04:855 (1,2,3) - same
00:57:861 (2) - dont know why would you stack it on next object instead of logic you already following for example here 00:50:718 (4) -
works fine in this case 01:11:575 (2) - cuz previous slider is shorter and you have bigger rhythm gap, so either change circle position closer to 00:57:575 (1) - or shorten the slider
01:19:004 (1,2,3) - a large spacing isn't really necessary here, i think something with ~0.5ds would work better
01:24:147 (9,10) - 01:25:432 (15,16) - i feel like you could lower the sv on these because this section is much less intense compared to other sections with the same guitar sounds like 00:29:289 (4,5) - and also to create contrast with the next section
01:26:932 (1,2,3,1,1,1,2,3) - tone down spacing between all those to give more oomph to 01:28:432 (1,2) - ?
01:26:932 (1,2,3) - Could ask for more opinions but even tho the snapping is more accurate as 1/8, I think it'd make more sense to make it 1/6 instead. Because it sounds just like 01:26:504 (1,2,3) - so playing it differently is weird imo
01:29:289 (1) - this is a really important downbeat, i'd definitely make the jump bigger especially since the jump into 01:28:647 (2) is so big
01:47:289 (1) - i'd change this slider to kick slider and circle after + increase intensity (through spacing, etc.) of 01:47:717 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - as there's cool vocal rise that feels very noticeable
i came here to make the same suggestion bc right now its mostly the same spacing until the huge jump at 01:48:789 (3), would be nice if it was more of a gradual buildup
01:56:289 (1) - 02:11:718 (2) - 02:14:718 (2) - 02:16:432 (1) - Slider head is snapped before a line which would modify its slider velocity, either delete or fix imo
02:57:147 (3,4) - feels weird spacing those 2 so close to 02:56:718 (2) - as you using much higher spacing for gaps like this (honestly even swapping them already will do enough)
03:35:718 (3,4) - That's just personal preference i guess, but I think it looks nicer if you do something else with 4. Just make another cool shape with 3 and 4, I think it fits the rest of the map better to end it with something more aesthetic