❗❗❗СЛОНЯРЫ, СРОЧНЫЙ СБОР❗❗❗Ставьте классы, чтоб инглиш лангуаге энжоеры думали, что тут что-то крутое написано (это правда круто) 😱😮
Рецепт плова:
yay ranked
nice map ebat
маппа ахуенная, мапер молодец никого не скушай
I love it when slopcore meets slopjacks! !
ultimate mania farm
Ufff 🔥🔥
брооо, с ранетом
sogl ebanat mapper soset penis
w map
gotta love chordjacks 🙏🙏
amazing map i love frenchcore getting ranked
your empty eyes dt 1g i am never touching this map again flade i hate you u have made me go insane im never touching frenchcore ranked maps again they're all the same fjhskdgfjhgksdfgkljsdfghjfg
reasonable crashout
another free pp mania map thank you chordjack gods
streams better
saying that with davay rasskazhem as top play smh
i swear the background is one of rurudo's girls but i cannot find it. im crazy
kassadin on leaderboard
orost wow
that 2.27 diff is juuuust right :)
карта говна
pls be farm pls be farm pls be farm
pls be 700 pls be 727 pls be 762.3
song goes hard
i got a whole playlist of songs like this
drop the link 👀
что может быть хуже румапинга?ранкнутый румапингпикми(не хейт)
Политолог из страны с двумя цветами на флаге?
I had this map ever since it was pending
лол 300 пп сайдом дал, больше не мапай пж
How am I first lol
how am i still first i didnt even S rank it
stupid jump map default hueta
ladno drug
now all modes can enjoy this banger
Another map to enjoy
я люблю джеки
я люблю басы 🤙🤙🤙
(osu player being delusional, cant use 'babe')
ggs on ranked
get a 99%fc in std top diff (in lazer) and 997kSS in mania top diff (in stable) as a std&mania farmer. well done
nice map, mapper. i hope u will have some beat map better and porpular than this. congratulations!
спасибо за пп котеночек:)
так вот как джеки в стд выглядят
Это шо за окунь
fun map
why is this a banger lowkey
ok the slider jumps make it a lot harder than it needs to be x-x
Hello friends of the osu!mania Community! This will be another FREE Chordjack Map! Get Your Free 700PP Today at beatmapsets/2182334#mania/4610936 !
i'm too ass for this ;-;
lets go, nother frenchcore map qualified
new chordjack r,rank HELLO I am now awwakè
time to farm
thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
hi laser mutual me chordjack goat