I'm like it
I'm like it too
epic mapping and song🔥🔥🔥🔥
real 🗣️🔥
I like song :3
Now try mapping on Lazer :troll:
this was in fact mapped on lazer at some point, Thx for hyping :3
We are infact, mapping on lazer.
speed changes mess me up but hey at least it aint full SV
Was thinking about making the slow jam 0.9x instead of 0.8x, but yes, no full SV
if you play the beatmap a few times its not that bad
bro 💀 you don't even play mania
add to tags "electronic instrumental"
Needs to be maded!
Thanks for believing in me :3
So good
No u :3
Understandable have a great day
Looks amazing