First of all a clean audiofile would be much better so you dont have background noise of the mv going while ur trying to listen to the song.
Artist: Beau Black
Source: The Lion Guard
Tag Wise you are missing language and and genre in your tags. also you can remove the lion guard from tags as you will be putting it in source. also also your tags between the difficulties are inconsistant so add your tags like
English, pop, reggae, male vocalist (so on) and copy paste into all diffs
your difficulty names are not accurate. all maps are 3* yet they are called easy, normal, hard. Easy difficulties usually lay around 1-1,99 stars, normal difficulties lay around 2 - 2,99 (2,5 - 2,9 might even be called advanced in some scenarios) and hard is 3 stars
i'd also recommend you use ctrl+shift+a, which is AiMod which covers the bare minimum you need to fix in your map, such as not snapped objects, minimum requirements for difficulty spread and so on.