I would highly recommend you to use the basic hitsounds (Whistle, Finish & Clap) for all your difficulties!
Added hitsounds! If there is anything that I have to change regarding the hitsounds lemme know!
The title should be "VENGEANCE (TV Size)" for all difficulties since it's the anime opening version of this song you're mapping
I can see that you have 11 unused files in the folder, including the former background! You can delete the old one :D
Deleted the old one. Placed hit sounds in the folder just to make it ready to place on the notes.
Idk if they fit for the song, but I'll see if it does.
hahaha thanks for the feedback bro!! If there is anything I should change in the map lemme know :)
You should put the language (english) in the tags. Also, replace the Japanese language by English because of the lyrics
Map is well synced with music, all notes follow the rhytm. Personaly i would like to see a longer version (3+ min), maybe you can add it with higher difficulty version. Wish you luck with ranking your map!