Moreover, the sv usage is compeltely different to 00:22:647 ~ 00:43:980 which is identical in terms of music. I would like to say 00:22:647 ~ 00:43:980 did much better in SV usage and I strongly think that 02:33:313 ~ 02:54:646 should just use the same SVs at 02:33:313 ~ 02:54:646
01:18:647 ~ 01:29:313 this part is way way way way way way way way way way too dense for a calm section ur improvising on top of the exisitng 1/4 drums which is really inappriorpate given the low intensity in this part. I wouldnt even expect to see anything longer than 5-tuplets here but theres like 12-tuplets here which is definitely not the vibe the song is giving. Can u heavily nerf this section to something similar to inner oni
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