General Mod!
Just to help you and the BNs who check this out a bit :D though I didn't check audio & red lines (complex timing and audio can get a bit complicated to mod and I mainly want to focus on patterns/concepts here as opposed to BN check-type stuff)
It looks like the romanized title should change to -Totsuka no Tsurugi-
based off of the sources
Green Lines
00:01:593 - & 01:18:203 - the green lines here can be deleted since it's a 1.0x line on a red line (long story short it doesn't change anything so it isn't nessessary)
00:58:754 - , 01:02:487 - , & 02:27:670 - these green lines should be deleted since they're the same volume as the green lines that come before them
not all of these lines are in every diff btw, but some combination of them are in all diffs except Insane
00:37:798 - in hyper & extra
01:02:189 - in hyper & final destiny
these green and red lines have conflicting volumes so you'll want to make sure they're the same since green line volume settings automatically override red
I wish you good luck on the map! It looks great so far! Def better then what i showed ya since the start!
Missing custom hitnormal
No hitnormal sample found in beatmap folder, please add a hitnormal sample in your beatmap.
Under rule 3 of the ranking criteria Audio section