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01:51:970 (1,2) - maybe move this stack like ? I don't really think this is supposed to be such a huge 1/4 jump


I really want to respect the ONGEKI score. Here is wallnotes right after the green streak in the score I want to respect. If reduce the distance and make it less present, I don't think you are expressing the same score I want to respect.

Marked as resolved by _kotachi_

02:28:748 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - this is a massive diff spike since you go from essentially stacked burst to a spaced one in a moment while the song doesn't change this much


circle burst to 1/8 kicksliders change is already enough to highlight the pitch change


again, I really want to respect the ONGEKI score. There is a marked change here in the SCORE that I respect, 1/6 in ONGEKI, but it is an even more marked diffspike in an intense diffspike. I am not going to change it to 1/4 stream all the same at least to express this. i tried other expressions would only raise the star instead. so no change it once.

Marked as resolved by _kotachi_