mapped by Charitish
last updated
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bloated audio
here's better one, set offset to 812 (+17)

(thanks to ruben)
and yea, remove additional points cuz song here is syncopating and drums are not matching metronome with current

do it AFTER all mods to match timestamps


changed the audio and moved all notes/timing points accordingly

Marked as resolved by Charitish

i just realized this audio is peaking too much sometimes soooo
change to this one

Reopened by -Koyomi

(deamplified by -1db from flac, offset should be same)


repalced audio, ty again!

Marked as resolved by Charitish

your hitsounding is lacking of really much details that could heavily impact players feedback on the map, here's some examples of what you could do to improve your hitsounds:

  1. Hitsounding Kicks
    Currently kicks are not hitsounded at all, hitsounding them with drum-hitnormal would improve players feedback and song representation, because kicks are pretty noticeable.

  2. Making hitsounds more consistent
    00:36:516 - 00:39:865 is really outstanding due to having really bassy custom hitsounds and utilizing Normal sampleset, which is louder by itself and supposed to be more active, when this music section itself is being more quiet.
    Try to hitsound this with using drum sampleset, it would be more proper hitsounding, because drum-hitfinish is using same low tom as present in the song.

Also, would be nice to hitsound snares here with drum-hitwhistles and lower volume down to 50% up to 00:38:609, because this section is actually quieter than previous (00:27:586), but you're increasing volume here and using more active hitsounding, which does not really fits the song here.

  1. More proper bursts hitsounding
    Sometimes you're not hitsounding bursts properly or don't hitsound them at all.
    For example: 00:09:167 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - this burst on top diff.
    It's not hitsounded at all, while drums here actually are not consistent. Would be a lot better, if you'd hitsound it like: soft-hitclap for 2 objects, drum-hitclap, druh-hitfinish. This hitsounding would properly represent drums changes present in the song, and will add some variety, that makes hitsounding feel less monotone.

Pretty similar thing happens 00:39:307 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - here and 01:07:074 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - here, where you can add similar variety to the first example of this point to make hitsounding brighter.

  1. More varying samples usage
    00:58:702 - 01:01:353 and other 3/4's in this section could be hitsounded a bit more variably by utilizing Normal sampleset. Using it would fit song well, since song is focusing bass + lead guitar, and normal-hitnormal would represent bass guitar well.

Thank you for the incredible feedback and explanations. Planning to do a whole rework of my hitsounding either by myself or requesting someone to HS.

Marked as resolved by Charitish

some missing hitsound stuff (looking on top diff but it's general)

00:31:772 (3,1) - add finish on sliderstart (3) and sliderstart (1) cuz song has cymbals at this moment
00:26:749 (1,2,1,2) - i see you're trying to ascend this moment a bit, but song has snares everywhere here, so... add claps on each object.
if you wanna to have some "ascendance" - try to using volume for that, increase it from object to object with peak on 00:27:028 (2) - so next jumps would louder too
00:07:353 (2) - finish
00:08:888 - would be nice to add clap to finish to emphasize it more
00:16:702 (2) - finish
00:22:842 (5,1) - finishes
00:29:539 (5) - forgot clap
00:35:400 (1) - add finish for cymbal
00:35:679 (2) - clap
00:45:307 - add finish for cymbal and cuz you did it 00:47:539
00:35:679 - forgot clap (this is a sliderend)
00:40:842 (1) - add finish, remove clap cuz song doesnt have snare here but has cymbal


Fixed all, but looking to rework entire HS due to #4431416

Marked as resolved by Charitish

idk why but for some reason video freezes for first 2-3 seconds for me, can you re-encode it to .avi? osu works better with avi than mp4 for some reason.

also i feel that video is a little out of sync and should have like... 416ms offset?
check it yourself please by trying to sync 00:07:353 (2) this with video transition to anime name


converted video to .avi and fixed offset

Marked as resolved by Charitish

meta source:

add (TV Size) to the title because full size is 2:50,

would be also nice to add jrock j-rock departure anime op opening ver version 癒魔法の間違った使い方 Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata for better searchability


added TV Size

Marked as resolved by Charitish

and added tags


here's bg in better resolution (took random from yandex), use it instead of your 576p


Changed to better resolution (thanks!)

Marked as resolved by Charitish

make the streams easier on extra 215 bpm will be hard


nerfed streams

Marked as resolved by Charitish