I'm following the drum here. Notice that 00:08:061 (1) - contains many passive guitar sound
00:38:872 (4) - Think it would be better to make this two stacked circles as 00:39:034 - is a very dominant vocal too
also 00:38:872 (4,1,2,3) - making this a jump would suddenly increase the intensity for no reason
00:54:440 (6) - you could place this note closer to the previous one to follow lyrics with spacing more precise, for example place it behind the 00:53:791 (2) and then buff the whole 00:54:602 (1,2,3,4,5,6) section with the same-ish spacing.
00:56:061 (1,2,3,4) - I think your emphasis on the circles in this combo highlighted is misplaced because 4 has a subtle guitar/drum noise that barely stands out unlike 2's very dominant vocal. 4 should be at the sliderend of 3 instead
00:56:061 (1,3) - highlighting the vocal, consistent with 00:57:034 (1,3) - . Also 00:56:872 (4) - is not being emphasized like you've said cuz it's a filler for 00:56:548 (3,4,1) - where 00:57:034 (1) - is being emphasized.
01:09:683 (4,5) - could be a slider to nerf the diffspike and follow lyrics more precisely.
01:20:061 (4,5,6,7) - could be two sliders instead to filter out lyrics and drums to different instruments of mapping, or just one slider on 01:20:386 (6,7) - for more immersive gaming.
01:45:034 (3) - this could be a note and a reverse-slider, would represent the song better. examplo: https://coffeexplainswhy.s-ul.eu/GEQx35ClrVrbNsda.png
Notice: green note on the screenshot is placed perfectly-stacked to the last note of the previous jumping section.