mapped by Sieu Phan Dong
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 15 January 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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00:06:115 - wouldnt it make more sense to end this slider here and add a circle at 00:06:440 - instead? this is the only time in the whole of beginning that you choose to ignore this guitar


I'm following the drum here. Notice that 00:08:061 (1) - contains many passive guitar sound

Marked as resolved by Sieu Phan Dong

00:38:872 (4) - Think it would be better to make this two stacked circles as 00:39:034 - is a very dominant vocal too


00:38:548 (3,4) - keeping this pattern instead

Marked as resolved by Sieu Phan Dong

also 00:38:872 (4,1,2,3) - making this a jump would suddenly increase the intensity for no reason


00:49:413 - add a circle here stacked on the sliderend so that you keep it consistent to vocals in this slow part


00:49:088 - 00:49:899 - 00:50:061 - bruh Im not mapping to the vocal at this part tho XD also I'd like to keep the intensity low so no change

Marked as resolved by Sieu Phan Dong

00:54:440 (6) - you could place this note closer to the previous one to follow lyrics with spacing more precise, for example place it behind the 00:53:791 (2) and then buff the whole 00:54:602 (1,2,3,4,5,6) section with the same-ish spacing.


00:56:061 (1,2,3,4) - I think your emphasis on the circles in this combo highlighted is misplaced because 4 has a subtle guitar/drum noise that barely stands out unlike 2's very dominant vocal. 4 should be at the sliderend of 3 instead


00:56:061 (1,3) - highlighting the vocal, consistent with 00:57:034 (1,3) - . Also 00:56:872 (4) - is not being emphasized like you've said cuz it's a filler for 00:56:548 (3,4,1) - where 00:57:034 (1) - is being emphasized.

Marked as resolved by Sieu Phan Dong

01:09:683 (4,5) - could be a slider to nerf the diffspike and follow lyrics more precisely.


01:20:061 (4,5,6,7) - could be two sliders instead to filter out lyrics and drums to different instruments of mapping, or just one slider on 01:20:386 (6,7) - for more immersive gaming.


01:45:034 (3) - this could be a note and a reverse-slider, would represent the song better. examplo:
Notice: green note on the screenshot is placed perfectly-stacked to the last note of the previous jumping section.
