sorry for ping, found bg source(s):
could you pop in description please
i have some general issues with how simplification is done in lower diffs that it feels deviating from the song's rhythm too much.
There are some sections that the rhythm is dominated by the very loud raw kicks or kick+synth at 1/1, and i think the top diff has done a good job on representing them, but the lower diffs don't feel like so.
i will just use Finale and Beyond as examples, where it becomes quite apparent in the following sections:
00:15:743 - ~ 00:20:224 - , while i guess some of the triples on 1/1 being simplified to doubles for spread reason, there are a lot of jacks being off beat while 1/1 position has no emphasize that makes it really weird. For example 00:17:423 (17423|0,17423|1,17797|2,17797|3) - in Finale
diff and 00:16:676 (16676|2,16676|3) - 00:17:050 (17050|1,17050|0) - in Beyond
diff. The jacks starting from 1/2s but not 1/1 feels rather disconnected with the song's given rhythm.
01:45:373 - ~ 01:55:830 - ,this section has some 1/2 melody could support the variation, but there are several spots both the rhythm of kicks and melody synth are straightforward 1/1 that the pattern does not match that well. For example 01:46:213 (106213|2,106213|3,106306|1,106306|0,106400|3,106400|2) - 01:46:960 (106960|2,106960|1,107053|3,107053|0,107147|2,107147|1) - in Finale
For other sections the song has more variation itself that could support some of the similar pattern so i'm intended not to include others, although i think you can have a check of them too if there is anything shared. And i think different approach that focus more on the 1/1 rhythm in these section could be tried to resolve this.
yea that's what i mean, just because the kicks are the most direct and recognizable rhythm in these sections
For Beyond :
A very simple approach: the idea is
We all know that the strongest beats in 4/4 beats are the first and third beats, and we just need to make these two beats into a jack to create the corresponding feeling. However, for the second and fourth beats, it is not necessary to do so. Pic
Of course, the second and fourth beats can also make one col jack, and the pictures are for reference only
Ex : 00:18:637 (18637|3) - can move to col2 for pitchthing
For beyond: It somewhat follows the idea. But 00:21:718 onward are kept because I think it risks deprecating a lot of patterns as it has more variety in the music
the side effect is that I also has to rearrange supreme's as well of that same part
finale: had to brainstorm this one uhh but i think it fixed?
since OP is cool, will resolve
Hi, I noticed that there is a discrepancy between the diff name and the actual difficulty. The music of 321.321bpm can theoretically be halved to 160.66bpm to take into account the RC. There are many pattern in the diff of intermediate-hyper that are obviously higher than the requirement. Could the diff name be changed to be more reasonable, or at least explained in the introduction?
you would need to elaborate on that. the diffs you mentioned is arranged as NN HH where the lower NH (intermediate and advanced) does intended to follow the RC guidelines, while the upper NH (standard and hyper) is deliberately trickier but still reasonably distinct to not get confused as the higher diff.
with that said, looking back at the lower NH, i believe there could be some lax since its lower than the base BPM mentioned in RC. Some patterns also need to be slightly harder to close the gap with the diff above it. and while these gap can technically be ignored, it isn't what i had in mind when designing the whole thing. I'm also not really into changing the diffname idea when the diffspikes only account for at most just a few places.
From the Aimod and SR, it can be seen that the 3.4* Advanced and 4.05* Hyper have obviously reached the difficulty of Hard and Insane.
Although there is no mandatory prohibition of some pattern in RC, it is also stated that excessive use should be avoided to be used too much.
The following discussion will be discussed as 160bpm:
In Advanced, there are a lot of continuous 1/4, and even doubles with 1/2 intervals mixed in the switch. In the hard requirement, "the continuous 1/4 uses multiple intervals to maintain ≥1/1" "avoid placing 1/4 ≥16 in a row"
for example 00:40:018 - to 00:44:873 - ; 00:48:609 - to 00:51:595 - ; 01:57:323 - to 02:04:046 -
In Hyper, there are a lot of continuous 1/8, and in Insane requires "avoid placing ≥16 1/8 notes in a row"
for example 00:47:860 - to 00:50:101 -
01:57:323 - to 02:04:046 - I think this continuous pressure completely exceeds the acceptable requirements for appropriate use of spikes in Hyper
The standard and intermediate parts seem acceptable.
For these low diffs, I think it is not reasonable to vaguely regard some simple 1/8/or1/4 as acceptable pattern.
In addition, whether the diff name will confuse the difference between diffs cannot be supported. Raising or lowering the overall difficulty name can easily solve the problem. This simple RC clause is easy to achieved to give new players a better guide.
(in 160)
sorry, there are some questions.
- avoid placing 1/4 ≥16 in a row
where did you get this? i am sure enough this isnt in the RC at all after scourging a couple of times. what is "16" in this context? beats? notes?
- the continuous 1/4 uses multiple intervals to maintain ≥1/1
this isnt 1:1 from what i remember. I'm pretty sure this is the 4th bullet points on hard diff guideline
still, if u draw this from memory, you would need to confirm that it is correct before throwing it in. its imperative, so you and i can be on the same page
out of the three sections you alluded to, the 2nd doesn't really make sense. 1/4 streams are very common thing in hard. and i dont think its that long to warrant having a 1/2 break
the other two, however, are valid. but as i alluded before, i believe the way it is arranged should be fine within the confine of RC
less than base BPM RC. I've said it in my previous post
for the sake of diff gap. reducing any of the chord might widen the gap too much with hyper which already started using double-to-single 1/4 jacks
matches the song's intensity. rather straightforward if you observe how those sections sounds compared with the rest of the map. the simple logic is more intensity = more notes = harder, relative to the rest of the map
there are some places where the RC is still fully adhered such as - 01:58:537 (118537|1,118631|0,118724|3) - which i think can be sufficient enough for a "rest moment" amidst one of the densest part of the map
there are also some minute 1/8ths during the small 3rd and 4th kiai which i also believe shouldn't hamper the experience or even constitute a spike since they are rather easy to hit
for these reasons, i am more in favor of keeping these patterns as is.
after some musing, i tend to agree to nerf some of the streams mentioned. comparing it back again, it does feel a bit too hard. However, there will still be 1/8th around, and i dont think i will change the 2nd kiai. same reason to point 2 (gap with hyper-another) and 3 for adv above.
for now, the idea is to change some parts of 1/8ths into 1/4th jack. somewhat similar to how - 02:11:515 - is arranged. some jacks then followed by 1/8th streams. will also make some of the streams more relatively linear for the sake of readability in case it isn't already.
in conclusion, there will be changes, but not for all instances.
if you can accept the solution, i believe the diffname doesn't need to be changed and should be accurate to its historical usage on other mapsets. harder than hard but easier than insane/another
will do this on the 6th day just in case there are more who might chime in for this discussion or other diffs
I saw your discussion when playing, so I can reply to you immediately.
I think there may be some misunderstandings.
Regarding some RC data, I am very sorry that I referred to the Chinese version of the wiki. Some of the information in it further supplements of the general situation, which is not reflected in the English version. This is indeed not enough to serve as an explanation
I think there are some misunderstandings about the definition of “advanced”, or the definition you made based on some past maps is different from what I know. Is the diff of “advanced” the same level as “hard” or between “hard” and “normal”? Because “advanced” in some maps refers to the difficulty naming rules of other music games, such as sdvx etc. These non-standard difficulty names "advanced" are usually more in line with the position of “hard”. Also I find it difficult to find such a high SR “advanced” when browsing most most that use standard diff name. This is what I need to confirm.
There is no big problem in the mapping logic, so I think it can be adjusted by only changing the difficulty name.
After rechecking Hyper, I think it is worth adopting the approach of appropriately weakening some sections, because after playing, I feel that the overall pressure of the two is relatively close. Spike could be partially retained, and it is more appropriate to distinguish it from Another in some other places. It is acceptable to name it Hyper around 4*
addressing 2nd point
You seem pretty adamant about connecting the diff name with SR. If experience has taught me, SR couldn't be the sole reason for determining what diff name to use. In the SDVX term, lv 12 advanced can exist, and so does a lv 10 exhaust.
one common thing i saw on rankeds when adv is used is that most of the times, a hard diff also exist, creating a seemingly 3 hard-tier diffs. adv->hard->hyper. there might be a bias on how you see it most commonly, but there should be other factors that needs to be counted. on this map, that's what I laid up on 4 points in the previous post.
now, the way i label the diffs is more liberal than what you are familiar with. i usually associate hard diff as hyper, but there are times I've associated it with adv in a case where the spread is more expansive, while hyper is designed as hard diff with some more guideline breaks. this is how it is for this map.
from the perspective of a BN, we always have judged the difficulty based on how it plays, and how it is structured relative to other difficulties in the mapset. SR should never be the cornerstone of the judgment as it could be inaccurate and subject to algorithm changes over the years. sure there are guidelines, but as mentioned, they are not to be strictly followed. if a hard-tier player can reasonably pass or even S this, that should be enough evidence that the diff matches the diffname it represents. looking at the adv's leaderboards, i saw a couple of players ranging from 100K to 70K-ish that can achieve 93% to 96%, which is about what i expected.
in a nutshell, you shouldn't base the standard of how people do it on all circumstances. some edge cases like this can and will exist. if people look at the diffname "advanced" and then think its hard diff and plays like a hard diff, then it is hard diff. therefore, it wouldn't be necessary to change its diffname.
I did not strictly correspond the difficulty to SR, but only pointed out the common use of diff names in general. Indeed, the difficulty name is not an important determining factor. I just put forward some of my understandings. It's just that the use of diff names in this set is not quoted from other games, but it deviates from the usual diff names. I can't change the idea you want to stick to, and it is acceptable in some cases for RC, so this discussion can be closed. Thanks for discussing together.
For some content that needs modifing has been proposed in other discussions and DQ has been carried out, I will close this discussion.
mp3 quality
good to me
hs delay
hitnormal good
TitleUnicode:DESTRUCTION 3,2,1
Artist:Normal1zer vs. Broken Nerdz
ArtistUnicode:Normal1zer vs. Broken Nerdz
Tags:boss song chapter 8 speedcore electronic instrumental video rhythm game normalizer chordjack 321 hardcore speed stream pigeon games nerds 凌日潮汐 Transit tides rN
source :
current BG size is rather large (2.2mb), so I would like to suggest an improvement.
Idk if it's just me but I think the diffnames for "Ultimate" and "Supreme" could be switched.
To me ulter sounds a bit more "ET" than super, so in their superlative forms I think "Ultimate" sounds stronger than "Supreme", then beyond is like "a whole other level above the commons".
Super subjective though.
i think they are just kinda interchangeable imo, although i'd understand the term "ultimate" as the final state of an entity. while "supreme" is the state of an entity that could order a collective of entities (like the term "supreme leader")
beyond is pretty much adapted from arcaea's top diff, which i think its just works to describe "something beyond imagination"(?)
other than that, i don't think there wouldnt be a lot of confusion given that i did this with the last two (kingworld and 414 per speed) and breaking the consistency now would be kinda awkward
(as I also the only one who did this kind of diffnaming, i'd say this is just how I did my personal branding on my maps)
Thinking about adding tags? with the following: 凌日潮汐 Transit tides rN Chinese
Artists from China.
rN is responsible for PV and background production.
While not really required, you could add nerds
to the tags since broken nerdz is spelt with a z and the real word is spelt with a s. You could also add Pigeon Games
since that is the team behind phigros which this song features in.
Your audio file is 128 kpbs I uvilized it to 192 :3
huh markdown doesnt work? i'll just repost yours mine
I apologize, I used Audacity for the first time and thought it would be not so bad, so I found the audio file 192 so it should be much better (new offset 23).
thats still a fake 192 kbps sadly. the spectrum ranges just above 15khz (just like the pic i sent earlier). actual 192 would be around 19khz
you should check this for some insight before sending mp3s. converts from low kbps to high are unrankables
you also would need this to check those mp3 to make sure
Oh, if this doesn't work, I'd better not try again.
I don't know if I should add a link to the bg but I'll leave it just in case :3
would be great if you point it out to actual artists rather than a wallpaper website