mapped by kaythen
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 6 January 2024 so it was graveyarded...
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I think the low notes at the very end at 00:32:803 and 00:33:003 should be mapped in for Normal Hard Insane and Expert




omg !




[General Check]

[Background]: .png
-> Dimensions: 1920 x 1080
-> Size: 2.01MB - OK but looks better to convert to .jpg for compress

[Audio]: Good, (192kps)
-> Spek/Spectro:
[Beatmap Check]

[Timing / BPM]: Need adjustment
-> [Suggestion]: Change to offset 0 -> 3 because of sound delay for better performance and change BPM to 300 BPM -> 150 BPM because not to confuse for players.

[HP/OD]: 6/6 | 7/7 | 7.5/7 | 8/7.5 | 8.5/8
-> [Suggestion]: It looks better to change because current one is inconsistent HP/OD ascension. (6.5/6 | 7/6.5 | 7.5/7 | 8/7.5 | 8.5/8)
-> Final HP/OD: 6.5/6 | 7/6.5 | 7.5/7 | 8/7.5 | 8.5/8

[Hitsounds]: None - need to ranked
-> Used/Unused: Missing hit-normal sound, it is needed for ranked.

[Title/Romanised Title]: Ristonia: Street Piano - Ristonia isn't necessary at title because it is just a town name.
-> New Title: Street Piano

[Artist/Romanised Artist]: NECORD - There isn't any official announcement that NECORD is composer but confirmed that NECORD is official sound team of NEXON, it can be assumed that NECORD composed it.

[Current Tags]: maple story violin adele emil 메이플스토리 아델 리스토니아 에밀
-> [Suggestion]:

  1. Song genre and language must be added to the tags of a beatmap; needed to add "Video Game" and "Instrumental"
  2. It looks better to add "maplestory" because original game name is that.
  3. Add "nexon" and "넥슨" which company developed / published this game.
  4. Add "grandis" and "그란시스" where Ristonia town's land name.
  5. Add "easteregg" because this song can be heard by easteregg at Ristonia Town.

-> Final Tags: video game instrumental nexon maplestory maple story violin grandis easteregg adele emil 넥슨 메이플스토리 아델 리스토니아 에밀 그란시스

[Sources]: Official source isn't available because this song is made for easteregg, only unofficial fan site is available: (only uploaded video) (client tracker)


Changed offset to 3
BPM has been changed to 100 with 2/4 time to emulate 6/8 time.
HP and OD values changed to your suggestion
Added hit-normal
Changed song title to "Street Piano"
Added tags, but removed "easteregg" because I don't think that's necessary.
Also fixed a typo in your tags - it is "그란디스", not "그란시스" (gransis lol).

Marked as resolved by kaythen

Thanks so much for your mods btw :)


woooo !


9k REALLY NEEDS a ranked map


