mapped by actial
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00:21:382 (1,5,2,6,3) -

The first 5 1/2 sliders are all different. Copy paste... every slider. And keep them on a consistent degree axis.

Perfect consistency is best in similar sounding sections. Minimal slider shapes is better. unless its tech or somethin unique


made em more similar

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00:21:382 (1) - 00:29:776 (10)

im really struggling to understand why sliders are where they are. There's a distinct guitar and piano. Some of the sliders follow the guitar, some follow the piano and some are just not emphasized at all. Try to just stick to following one instrument here.

following guitar
00:21:382 (1) - 00:22:159 (5) - 00:24:335 (3) - good examples
00:22:936 (3) - 00:25:734 (1) - bad examples

following piano
00:21:382 (1) - 00:22:159 (5) - 00:24:335 (3) - good examples
00:21:848 (3) - 00:24:646 (4,6) - bad examples

Guitar has a consistent up and down sorta play to it. Mapping that with notes on the down beats and sliders on the up beats of each measure would probably play nice.

I could very well be missing something


00:26:511 (1) - following nothing
00:23:403 (6) -
00:22:625 (2) - (this is hitsounded on nothing maybe you didnt see it starts 00:22:470 (1) - here?)


i changed around a few of the sliders, left a few things unchanged

fixed the ones that followed nothing + hitsound one + some of the following guitar/piano.

might or might not be better, not sure


00:30:087 (1,2,3,4) -

feel like 00:30:320 (4) - should be moved to where 00:30:242 (3) - is. And then just add a note onto 00:30:475 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - this stream

bc its got the piano the slider should probably start on it for better feedback


thats a really good find! changed that

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same thing in this section; however, there is a really cool increasing pitch piano. It'd be really cool if each were mapped
00:33:817 (6) & 00:35:061 (4) - is very cool

but again the other sliders throw me off heavy

and these piano notes are all easy and consistent which makes flow better; they'd just feel really nice to play if emphasized


just to note

00:36:460 (4) - 00:38:636 (9) - you shouldn't do it here bc the drums are more prevalent and mapped well as is


i mapped them with upwards heading sliders, hopefully that works fine

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Oof, don't really know about this long chain of 1/2's. Could cause issues for the current ranking standards, I would at least make 00:38:791 (1,2) - into a slider, it will also emphasize the loud pitch sound (piano?) that extends for a bit. Thoughts?


good point actually!

made it into a slider

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Feel like streams sharply changing directions like this 00:40:967 (5) should only be done so when the a sound in the song stands out enough that would support it, right now the song just keeps going. But 00:40:657 (1) is a sound that could support a change in flow.


i think it works like this, no changes for now

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i typed this out before looking at the timeline

00:40:967 (5,6,7,8,9) - y such a sharp turn. The drums here are slightly increasing in volume. Just do a slightly increasing spacing; slightly curvy stream. Only do angles when there is a very distinct sound, even a clap. But I don't hear anything to emphasize this.

sure it wooorks but there's no instrument highlighting the sharp angle. It probably plays ok, but mapping is a lot about emphasizing the song. Even when something is impossible to notice while playing

Reopened by Deag

good point

changed to curved stream

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00:44:853 (8,9) - Would CTRL+G this. Having slider ends ending on loud sounds like this don't feel right especially in a 7*
Then a new combo can be added on 00:45:009

00:45:631 (11,12) - Can be turned into circles to emphasize the instrumentals on each 1/2, rather than just having the sliders go over them. 00:46:252 (1) - Is an extended sound so it should be a slider.


i feel like 00:44:853 (8,9) would be better suited as a 1/1 as 00:45:009 is barely noticable imo

agreed with 00:45:631 (11,12), changed that into circles

changed 00:46:252 (1) to slider

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00:48:895 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - nothing in the music calls for these jumps; same rhythm has been going on for 7 seconds. It should stay consistent to the other patterns u got goin on




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00:50:061 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - distance snap these for make pretty



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00:50:372 (5) - this should be hitsounded i think

ill mod more later im tired asf rn LMAO

map looks pretty good so far



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00:50:449 (6) - this should be a 1/2 slider.

00:50:527 (7) - the sound ur emphasizing here is actually on 00:50:449 (6)


true and true

both fixed

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00:53:558 (1,2,3) - big preference i just like mapping these like this

just highlights the clap in the song a bit


valid preference


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00:56:201 (3) - to fill in more space plus highlight lyric id make this a slider.


if you do #4079573 this mod then you can highlight the clap & lyric a little more.

bc if you just stack the triple into a lyric it'll just look ugly


id try to highlight lyrics a little better in this section; but this is a main lyric that holds for a while so it's the easiest to work out


or in the first bit 00:51:227 (3) - 00:53:714 (3) - leave as is; maybe a small slider 00:53:714 (3) - here

00:56:045 (1,2,3) - then here do this mod to fill it in a little more

00:58:532 (1,2,3) - then here map the white tick cymbals 00:58:999 - etc to fill it in

would just slightly increase intensity in this section barely. And fill in empty space

but its probably okay just mapped as the triples lmao


nah youre right


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01:01:175 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - these two combos are the same in the music but 01:01:175 (1,2,3) - have equal spacing & 01:02:107 (3,4) - have closer spacing (not ideal just stack them probably)

then 01:01:796 (1,2,3) - are stacked & 01:02:107 (3,4) - has big spacing! Completely opposite. Both patterns work but should be consistent


oh what i just noticed that good spot


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01:06:460 (10,11,12,3,4,5) - try to avoid these overlaps for aesthetics


true true


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01:11:123 (8,9) - Stack here feels unnecessary to have & is hard to read. Would extend it by just a bit to emphasize the quiet hihat heard on 01:11:278.


true, fixed

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Okay this is an issue throughout the whole map 01:12:366 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) . Visual Spacing, best way to learn it semi fast is to; 1. highlight the same combo (change combo colour on big white tick) | 2. Turn the gaps here into this | This gives maps better structure and pattern definition. I also left the timeline in the last link if you want to see the rhythm i recommend using.


agreed consistent visual spacing and using slidershapes on a set axis; and using only set slidershapes need some work for sure


fixed this section, other sections probably still needs work.

not sure where precisely but ill figure it out hopefully


ah but ur mapping the drum. idk id map this part differently bc ur not really highlighting the lyric with the reverse slider


this works as-is i think

no changes (for now)

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01:19:983 (1,1) - avoid overlaps like these, either make it look like you want them to stack or give them space, this also happens A LOT in the map


can you give some other examples?


this is strictly for map aesthetic appeal


You should try to just perfectly stack; or PERFECTLY overlap things throughout the entire map. No in between.

02:33:662 (1,4) - very easy to just stack over eachother


exactly, sorry would have responded but am busy, thanks Deag


ah i see, that does make it way more clear

hopefully fixed this

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01:21:537 (4,5,6,7,8) - Definitely is also problematic for when it comes to visual spacing (as mentioned by previous modders).

Just make sure that each object has "got some room to breathe", a little bit of free distance around them.

One of the methods I just used - By going on the blue tick on the top timeline I used 01:22:159 (7)'s approach circle as perfect guidance for how far I should space this part out & how the slider shape should somewhat look like:

This shouldn't always be used, since for louder parts of the song you should use higher spacing.


thats a really good tip, thank you!

fixed this :)

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01:34:439 (5,6) - copy paste sliders for consistency, its free structure points


Yeah I'd say that's one way to do it, since right now every slider here 01:34:439 (5,6,7) have got their own shape which makes it feel a little too random than it should, since the vocals stay the same throughout, so should the sliders also pretty much stay the same for consistency's sake.


ah i see

yeah fair point. fixed

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02:20:760 (7) - new combo colour on white ticks


fixed for this section

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this map needs more 1/1 sliders for rhythm variation. I'm going to highlight some points where they would work | 02:35:682 (3,2) 02:38:170 (7,2) 02:32:418 (3,4) - These to emphasize vocals | 02:51:848 (6,1) 03:03:040 (1,2) 03:03:506 (3,4) - These to emphasize guitar | These are great for variation 02:56:667 (8,2)


added these and some more

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02:39:413 (13,14,15,16,17,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - stream is not too emphasized; probably shouldnt have this big of spacing

it should mimic 00:30:087 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - this stream


02:49:361 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this too

im assuming ur mapping it bigger bc its in the kiai and the KIAI is more intense. but you should always try to map around the sounds in the map. Not around what you've mapped. If the big black plays for a few seconds and transitions into my love you should NOT keep mapping big black

i really hope that reference makes sense if not here ya go



yeah true, scaled both of them down a bit

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Don't forget to check your unsnapped sliderends with AiMod!
02:50:605 (9) & 02:51:071 (2) are unsnapped.

This can sometimes accidentally happen when making changes to the map so I suggest checking AiMod every once in a while (before submitting a new version of the map xd).


whoops! forgot about snapping haha


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