00:54:460 (2,3) - This 1/1 gap looks like a 1/2 gap. I would increase the spacing to make that clear and make it more readable.
01:45:353 (3,1), 01:49:281 (2,3) - Same here.
your sliders often have random axes. Some examples:
visual spacing is a bit ehhh too close and inconsistent, like 00:01:246 (1,3) - but then 00:01:960 (3,1) - 00:02:674 (1,2) - 00:04:103 (1,2) - , or 00:12:674 (1,3) - different from 00:20:888 (4,1) - 00:25:531 (1,2) - 00:30:174 (2,3) - , I haven't check all of the map but if the first 30s have this much inconsistency (there're more but I'm only pointing out some) then you'll have to fix the whole thing visual again I'm afraid
First argument is fine, it's really messy, but from 00:12:674 (1) - onwards I tried to make the map more interesting for players to make by not making it too repetitive, is it bad?
huh? it's the same problem how did you interpret them as 2 lol, like from 00:20:888 (4,1,2,3) - alone I can see 3
different visual spacings which make the map really messy. Stick to one kind of spacing and keep them at it. I don't really understand your concern either, what do you mean by "repetitive"? Unified visual spacing is an objective measure of a good generic map. So yes, do be more repetitive.
00:04:638 (3,4) - there's a bit of vocals to the slider ends. You can shorten this slider 00:04:638 (3) - to the white tick then followed by another slider that will end on the white tick again then add a hit circle on the last red tick before the piano repeated slider arrow. smth like this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18909142/37b2
00:23:210 (2) - Change the slider end direction to the next hit circle. You can also lower this sliders position and not from the very top.
00:23:567 (4) - You can new combo this hit circle but if you want to confuse players then don't.(I recommend that you do)
00:33:031 (2) - This circle is too hidden. Expose is a bit bec its a part of a jump section
00:35:531 (1) - This slider is too close to the hit circle before this. This makes the pattern think that the hit circles and that slider have the same timings. try using Distance Snapping.
01:02:317 (5) - Use ds for this.
01:21:603 (2) - This is also too hidden.
01:31:781 - - This part is empty even there's a vocal. At the red tick just add a hit circle.
01:38:388 (1) - you can move this slider further tho...
02:21:781 (1) - This slider is too deep (bruh).
03:04:638 (3,4,5) - Too high
Actually this is getting too long but try finding some similar problems like these. Also the hitsounds are impressive.