00:14:512 - feels really random to not map vocal sound here since you're following vocal and drum in this section. I would probably shorten this slider 00:14:328 (5) - to 1/2 and put circle here 00:14:696 -
00:17:273 (1,2,3,4) - same sort of thing as #3991110 (skipped vocal at 00:17:457 - ) but you also have the emphasis in the wrong place here. The drums here 00:17:825 (2,3,4) - have like no impact in the song here, the main focus should be the vocals as theyre more prominent in the song here. I would make the rhythm to this: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18852544/a574 ( circle at 00:17:273 - 00:17:457 - 00:17:641 - 00:17:825 - , 3/4 slider at 00:18:009 - ) to represent the song better.
what do you mean no lol its an issue
same with all the other mods i left?? cant just ignore an issue with "no" and no other explanation as to why not lmao
Nah its fine, I'll just apply most them instead of waffling on and making some excuse that I "just prefer it like this" or "its my style" because honestly it's a bit tedious and I wasnt expecting so many mods. For instance, with this rhythm mod, my response would've just been that I kind of just like the way it plays and how the pattern looks.
(I mapped this whole thing in less than a day so I didnt start making every rhythm and pattern with some well thought out idea in mind, I just went with the flow and mapped whichever way felt right to me)
Also I get the feeling that if I apply every one of the mods that forces me to change rhythm/pattern, the mods will accumulate and my map will eventually look like the biggest pile of crap.
Conclusion, it's "my style" and I'll try to be less stubborn about changing my map. Will go edit everything tomorrow morning probably
Or alternatively, I might argue on a couple points I said no to but its like 2am rn and I'm on my phone so later
00:27:580 (3,4,5) - theres alot of emphasis on (4) here, and the strongest sound is on the head of (5), but theres no emphasis on (5). The vocals build up here, so 3 should be the least difficult and build it up so theres more of a jump to 00:28:316 (5) - . Doesnt need to be big obviously but needs to represent the vocal intensity better, cause as i said the emphasis doesnt feel in the right place currently
00:29:972 (1) - i would move this to the right a bit (like 376,0) to empahsize it better, currently feels kinda flat despite the strong sound on it. Moving it over makes bigger jump and fixes this.
no because I feel like moving up vertically is a little tricky, making it emphasiszed.
also, it will fuck the visuals to lol
00:30:708 (1,2,3,4,5) - This 00:30:708 (1) - and this 00:31:445 (3) - have the same vocals on it but 00:32:181 (5) - doesnt, so you should have 00:32:181 (5) - be different in some way to show this change, having it also be the same doesnt represent the vocals well. Different slidershape or different pattern or make it circles (since vocals are a bit stronger here ) would work
no because this kinda nitpicky, it's different, but not enough imo to warrant making it a diff slidershape or making it into circles to ruin visuals of the copy paste mirror type pattern
in a different scenario, maybe i'd take your thought into account but i think this is still fine
00:36:532 (1,1,1) - these just feel so lazy. There's plenty of vocals / drums to do some mapping to, rather than someone clicking three times in 15 seconds of a TV size. You could reduce them to 4 ticks and then map the rest, at least
i added a circle at 00:39:293 and 00:42:237 (between the reverse sliders like the first screenshot dopaminos posted).
appreciate the idea with the second screenshot but i'd like to make a really calm section before it picks up to again to create " c o n t r a s t "
if this is still an issue (assuming bns get interested, i may change it then)
(also does this merit a problem post? idk)
00:42:119 (2) - i would remove this, i think having the circles at 00:39:175 (2) - and 00:44:696 (2) - works really well because theyre on the vocals and there isnt a vocal at 00:42:119 (2) -, so its best to not have anything here.
no because i like having something to fill in the gaps between the sliders,
true i understand the vocal part but it feels awkward have that random gap when the other two have a circle after and imo would be nicer.
this is a very subjective opinion and cant put into words that great
00:49:783 (1,2) - 1 is on wrong place it should be on blue tick and 2 shall remain
imo it will be cool to do sth like this
flow change would fit well
also since you're mapping ^ as 1/4 sliders it would be cool to overmap 00:50:520 (1,2,3) - these as 1/4 sliders as well
(discussed in dms, either im schizo or i dont see the problem with the position of 1 since its on the big white tick with the big sound! but im adding a circle at 00:49:691 since there is a sound there too)
for the 00:50:520 (1,2,3) - part, i dont want to overwhelm everything with just 1/4 sliders all the time. i end the previous section with two 00:49:783 (1,2) - and then a couple after at 00:51:808 (4,5) - . hard to explain my rationale, but id rather keep some jumps because i dont want to spam so many sliders all the time.
also for the flow change part in the ss, i might consider it but for now im fine with the climax there being that :/
00:55:489 (1,2,3,1) - consider gradually lowering spacing here instead of making 1-2-3 constant
ig your idea 00:55:489 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2) - here is going down and then rising up for good contrast so my change would affect nicely imo
you're overthinking rn lol. i just placed the circles evenly cause it seemed good
moved the 00:55:857 (3) - a bit lower and a bit to the right but not as much as your ss
00:56:041 (1,2,1,2) - you could quieten the end sounds of these sliders so at least they don't sound overmapped, and possibly the same for similar patterns in the chorus
im torn on this but the "movement" feels nicer going up to down with that slider in my head because of the previous down to up movement from the slider at 01:00:090 (3) -
(i agree its a bit easy but id hope that the sudden increase in sv and the low spacing of 01:00:642 (4,5,6) - can make up for it by contrast?)
could change my mind later but maybe id change the slider shape to a wave or something cause im not sure the current slider shape works with ctrl+g visually imo. appreciate the idea
01:02:667 (2) - feels weird at the same SV when the two vocal syllables ("sai noh") are so different. It feels much more enjoyable to me if I sped up the SV of this to like 1.5x, to match the quicker feeling rhythm of the "noh". e.g I tried something like this, feels much better to me https://i.imgur.com/iz7FMMw.png
im not japanese but isnt it more like "se noh"?
also nah, feels much better ≠ better in this context (maybe id agree if i mapped this whole map more differently in general)
more contrast!!!
also if i want to be more specific, the " se noh " is kind of at a point where the melody stops and holds? idk any terminology but i just keep those in a slow sv state and then it release back into high sv as the melody resumes?
01:05:980 (1) - this is pretty confusing to follow at first glance IMHO, particularly just that first double back
nahhhhh, this is fine imo
let bns decide whether its really needs to be more readable
i agree it can be a bit misleading but i feel like if you paused for a second (i know you can't reasonably do so ingame whilst playing), you can tell which way the slider is likely to go
I wanted to be unique ^_^
Also, I'm pretty sure it would have been boring if i just did the shorter ones since it wouldn't be anything special compared to the rest of the kiai. ofc if BNs are interested in the set, I can remove the slider and just map it normal if they don't like it lol
This deffinetly doesnt fit in the map regardless of if its readable (i think it should be fine to read) You should be following the main vocals here instead of the held vocal since theyre the focus of the song here, it feels really unnatural to map this instead out of nowhere ignoring the main vocals
maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, can noone give me a break ;_;
this map gonna the most boring thing if i remove/change everything
also btw i'm not actually stupid, i know main vocals is what i "should be following" , I just didn't feel like it because i thought it would kinda fit
i'll uuuuuuuuuuuh, maybe remove it idk
do i actually have to remove this 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 ?
i thought it kind of fits since this whole map is kind of wacky so its not that crazy to have something like this and the held vocals are kind of significant and loud
can i just appeal to wait until this set maybe gets BNs to look at it cause I feel like everytime I change something based on a modder's feedback, I change something that BNs might not have an issue with and then I end up nerfing my map for nothing
yeah reopen if you really feel like it but I think this slider fits in this style of map. in a more simpler map style, it makes sense to follow everything in the rhythm down to a T, however I feel like there is more leeway with maps that look like this
(I doubt a BN would reject this map on the basis of this one slider and would prob tell me to change it if they agreed with you, so let me keep this slider a little while longer 🙏
01:10:831 (7) - you have lots of emphasis on 01:08:715 (10,1,2,3,4) - which is good, but 01:10:831 (7) - is the highest/strongest vocal and has way less emphasis on it, which doesnt make sense. IMO needs at least about the same spacing as the previous notes, like ctrl+g feels about right for distance/emphasis but you'll likely have to adjust placement and the following note(s) too.
this one is just my opinion, but i just prefer it like this, especially the visuals
ofc there is a small jump for emphasis but I really don't like the movement going down and then moving cursor all the way up just to go back down again (?)
idk if that makes
just to make it clearer, 01:08:807 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - all goes down
01:10:831 (7) - goes up which gives emphasis as you are switching up directions
01:11:869 (1,2,3,4) - gah, everyone will want increasing jumps here. It's basically the build and climax of the song. Doesn't feel good to just be sitting on repeat sliders instead. Yeah my expectations were subverted, but in an entirely disappointing way
i see what you mean but i dont want to make this a jump fest, but i can definitely see this being a point a bn would def not like as much.
not gonna change rn if not necessary but alternatives i have in mind are:
. make sliders way faster so its giga hard to go back and forth
. spam 1/4 sliders as jumps essentially but this would be a huge diff spike, even i were to do it with circles instead
conclusion: true, but if it works...
01:11:869 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - basically #3977305 but lemme rewrite it in my way.
naaaaaaaaaaaah man that's too loooooooow make these svs absurd to catch song intensity better here rn it's too easy and really disappointing
alright buffed them a decent amount id say, will be available when nanoripe uploads new .osu
01:24:819 (1) - this feels slightly too far from previous object, kept slider braking here when testing and its a bit overemphasized considering its not much more intense than the notes before it in the song, just bring slightly closer and it plays better imo