mapped by Quincy
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Feedback from meiqth. Please yell at me in the future to look at this and remember what to fix.

fun fact, barlines are still affected by sv even without notes on them! anyways, 01:01:646 -> end is bs i cannot tell what you are mapping to and the sliders are a lazy attempt at covering that up on an identical part. while easily workable through it's kinda ???? to a completely fine map. totally smth i can fix but i'd like you to choose between this and hai yorokonde for which i'd do




Timing and MP3 yoinked from Mimari's map of this:

Background image from Mew York drone footage:



01:18:651 - this isnt a barline reset, these finishers arent on downbeats


Looking back, I think people just thought it would line up on the bars since it looked weird, but yeah, from a music standpoint, it hits on the + note. Removed.

Marked as resolved by Quincy

this break time can have a few notes in sounds like: 01:02:929 - 01:03:571 - 01:04:213


01:11:913 - 01:14:480 - 01:17:047 those sliders don't seem to make much sense to me either, because you could have put notes. instead of those sliders, you could do the same thing I mentioned above.


I was trying to go for something similar to what the standard mapset of this did, where it had a break time after the intense section and sliders to end the map. I get that it's like 15% of the map, but it just seems fitting.

Marked as resolved by Quincy

If people think I should add something there, I might fill it in.


gl + good map


I think you'd better remove that second timing point because it doesn't make any difference whether you have it or not


That was added because of people in the modding server, who suggested a barline reset so the last notes were hit on the barline instead of the middle (which would hit if the reset wasn't there.)

Marked as resolved by Quincy





This is barely considered an english song. The vocals are barely recognizable and ominent enough that instrumental would be way more fitting for this song.

  • Change Language to Instrumental

  • In addition, remove English and add Instrumental to tags.


But the song has fully fledged lyrics, they're just kinda muffled. You can still pick up on them for the most part. I don't really know if muffled lyrics would make the song instrumental. There's basically lyrics all the way to the end (with it repeating "am I doing the right thing".) I'm gonna keep the English tags as is for now, but if someone can elaborate on this, I'll reconsider.

Marked as resolved by Quincy

Exactly, they’re incredibly muffled and unrecognizable, I was conflicted on the language here. Instrumental has been used a substitute before and ranked and should be used

The vocals are the least important in this song.

Reopened by Erowdi

I’ll find an example, but please keep this up for more feedback.

permalink A (banger) map ranked last year with instrumentals, by genjuro, despite having english vocals. The vocals are used more as a layer instead of it being the actual main focus. (Tyyy d0ug)

Your songs main focus IS literally the instruments, the vocal are muffled and play like 20%. Also the notes are just gonna cover them up more because of HS Vol.


Alright, You've convinced me. With the map you linked, I can see how while there are vocals, the instrumental is the main focus, with the vocals just being something mixed into them. I'll adjust the listing stuff accordingly.

Also, on the topic of the lyrics, even if it's marked as Instrumental, i'm still keeping the map listed as "explicit" since they say the fuck word.

Marked as resolved by Quincy

Disagree, vocals with english lyrics that aren't muffled are present for at least a quarter to a third throughout the song starting at around 20 secs, so removing it from the tags and language, as well as invalidating the vocals being "the least important in the song" is very misleading. They present the part before the chorus(?) hits.

As for your comparison which i'd consider strange, while it has some sort of vocals, they are more presenting as synths rather than actual lyrics (being honest i couldn't hear out a single word throughout this song) - this is completely not the case with this song here. Also mind you that song is 6 minutes, while this one only is 1 and a half minutes

A ranked std set of this song also has the language set on english.

Reopened by Broadsword

Now that you mention it, it's the same song so that would basically mean that it would have the same metadata. I did bring up in my notes that I had taken the MP3 from the standard map set, so it basically is 1/1. I'll take "The Law"'s argument for now, but if someone else wants to pitch in, go ahead.


just include both lmfao


compromising 👍

Since we're bringing up tags, I'm gonna include some tags from the standard mapset as well, including "hyperpop dnb drum and bass".

Marked as resolved by Quincy

you don't need explicit marker for this btw, nothing in the lyrics is inappropriate


They say "fuck" in the first line of the song. That's explicit.

Marked as resolved by Quincy

"isnt is funny as fuck"

are you seriously thinking this is explicit, its not rly needed if this only occurs once + its not a word that's extremely bad or something...


it's specifically stated that single/infrequent uses of vulgarities are allowed on the wiki, removed


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Would include more tags since currently they're kinda lacking.

New Tags electronic instrumental breakcore world tango user177606669 user 177606669 user_177606669



Marked as resolved by Quincy

(only futsuu,inner oni)
00:20:576 - add finish to don here



Marked as resolved by Quincy

