00:00:747 (2,4,5,2,4) - there is no sound here that warrants reverse sliders here + its inconsistent rhythm so you should just map it like you do at 00:03:247 (2) - but you should also map the full sound here 00:04:497 (5) -
00:40:747 (2) - same deal for here and on onwards + i also noticed this in other diffs so make sure to go check
i've replaced some of them with normal sliders. although, the reverse sliders that did represent the (violin?) sounds in 00:01:997 (4), 00:04:497 (5), 00:06:997 (4), and 00:43:247 (2) are kept. this change is applied to the 3* diff too, except those points are replaced as well.
00:21:684 (7) - could be interesting to make this into 2 circles. Notes are higher pitched.