Artist: 椎名真昼 (CV: 石見舞菜香)
Romanised Artist: Shiina Mahiru (CV: Iwami Manaka)
Title: 君に届け (TV Size)
Romanised Title: Kimi ni Todoke (TV Size)
Source: お隣の天使様にいつの間にか駄目人間にされていた件
Tags: japanese pop jpop j-pop anime ending ed 3 3rd third otonari no tenshi-sama ni itsunomanika dame ningen sareteita ken tenshi amane fujimiya 藤宮周 the angel next door spoils me rotten cover from to you female vocalist 佐伯さん birbsmb miko my_angel_miko my_angel_rushia sekai sekaii sekai-nyan saeki-san saekisan sanayui nextplay my_angel_kanan kanan sightread asukow that_blazord racblazord blazord
What can I say about this map? this map is going to be ranked soon, It is really well made.
Do not hype this
Kimi ni Todoke (TV Size) mapped by My Angel Rushia · beatmap discus...
osu! - Rhythm is just a click away! With Ouendan/EBA, Taiko and original gameplay modes, as well as a fully functional level editor.
Dans — Today at 4:09 PM
true i forgor