Self General Check
Song/Guidelines: Good
check for (hitsound files, empty.osb/storyboard, 0-byte files, readme.txt (thumbs.db is allowed)
-> unused files: None
Video and Background:
(min)160px-2560px(max)/120px-1440px, jpg for lowest file size.
-> Image Quality: 2560pxx1440px
(max)1280px/720px, Encoded in H.264, Video Offset, Video must be muted.
-> Video Quality: No Video
(max)2.5MB for image background.
-> Size: 542KB
Beatmap Guidelines:
->Mapset Spread: Dance, Extra, Insane, Hard, Normal at 1:59 contains at least 4 difficulties in total.
->HP/OD values: 8.2/8.2,8/8,7.5/7.5,7/7
->Timing points check: Good
(song audio must be .mp3/.ogg and no greater than 192kbps/208kbps.
-> Song Audio: at 192kbps.mp3 with a file size of 1.92MB
-> Offset and Timing: 190bpm at 3030offset
(Use Audacity to fix any ms greater than 5, .wav/.ogg, must be atleast 25ms long)
-> Hitsounds: Good
hitnormal-normal at 3ms delay
--> Under 5ms delay: Yes
--> Volume: 35%
(consistent across all difficulties, check contributors, check sources,
-> Artist: coltrane
-> Title: zeke didn't "invent dariacore", i did
-> Source: ?
-> Genre: Electronic
-> Language: English
(check standardisation/Romanisation)
-> Current Tags: fur:trash furtrash coltranecore lisacore 2022 hyperflip bandcamp