00:03:906 - 00:04:000 are more accurate piano timings. 1/16 - 3/8 difference.
Applies at 00:19:813 aswell.
yup, and removed the ghost note :)
00:09:813 - vs 00:25:813 - they are same sound, same musical part. i dont get why they're different. please make the chord have same amount
00:14:979 - should be a note here to continue the ln type vocal mapping pattern. 00:12:313 (12313|4,12479|2,12646|5,12813|1,12979|5,13146|2,13313|4,13479|2,13646|5,13813|1,13979|5,14146|2) - EX
Timing at 00:22:479 fits better for 00:22:521 (22521|1,22521|5) because it creates one of those awkward missing noise feeling.
00:33:813 - Can be a triple to indicate the drum.