I LOVE THIS MAP! :D Top 2 difficult maps had really fun streams and complex rhythms. I don't normally even comment on beatmaps so you know this is good lol.
I think there has been some confusion regarding the copyright policies. Basically, you can still upload songs - even the ones who have gotten copyright strikes - and they can be qualified and ranked normally. However, like the other copyrighted songs, it contains a chance of getting copyright strikes again.
This happens because osu! is not responsible for the songs within the game. Beatmappers have to, theorically, have the rights and be able to use the music they are uploading as they wish. Of course, this doesn't happen, which means that some maps get copyright strikes. You can still upload them again, and map them, and rank them - it's just likely to get copyright striked again.
The responsibility for the maps uploaded are solely at the descrition of the mapper uploading it.