00:24:946 (24946|2,25067|1) - I feel like it'd be nice to add a 1/8 note in between for the little woosh sound here :3
00:29:180 - 00:29:373 = 1/5
00:29:456 - 00:29:664 = 1/7
00:29:809 = 1/10
1/10 feels a little overemphasized imo and i want a more trilly motion here for the vocal vibration which just doesnt seem doable using 1/10 without making that section spiky
if im misunderstanding what you said pls correct me and reopen this :3
doesnt this structure of the dumps make the map more inconsistent with the rest? because many other parts would need to change of that too.
Mostly this is all about interpretation tho, i would think its okay as is because the vocal loosens itself with the way lady gaga slides down with the pitch and so i think it fits to loosen the dumps too
This is just my opinion tho but i think this should work as is
#3763655/10085290 because it seems this mod is entirely dependent on #3763655 being resolved
00:31:599 (31599|0,31668|1,31738|2) - The vocal here is played in a similar intonation that 00:31:807 (31807|0,31876|3,31945|0) is, I think you could make the first iteration trills as well. Could do something like this:
00:32:406 (32406|1) - this note feels a lil bit too dragged out considering the actual content of the vocal, if im hearing correctly this note falls into the "sss" lead-in to the "star" vocal" rather than the "pe" vocal connected to "superstar"
solution: snap this note higher
00:34:986 (34986|0,35107|3) - Since these are for the synths I believe it'd be better to make them a jack to better differentiate them from the vocal dump patterns after. Could move 00:34:986 (34986|0) to 4th col
00:35:470 (35470|3,35524|1,35578|2) - representing this vocal as only a single snap higher from 00:35:228 (35228|1,35289|2,35349|0) is honestly criminal adn you should be fined $600,000 as well as 40 yeras in jail for this GOODBYE GO GOODBYE NO PAROLE NO PAROEL
i think using 1/12 snap for this instead of 1/9 would work well because
the remainder of the vocal after the initial punch of the "roll" vocal largely blends in with the surrounding instrumental, making it justifiable to not use a constant stream for this
the initial punch of the vocal is notably stronger than any other vocal in this section
the vocal is a considerably higher change in pitch from 00:35:228 (35228|1,35289|2,35349|0)
00:37:164 (37164|1,37285|0,37337|2,37406|1) - Hm..when listening to the vocal you can hear her pause for an instant before emphasizing "stick" as part of "lipstick." I think you could emphasize that little intonation by creating a little minijack to express that. Suggestion:
00:42:002 (42002|1) - Considering that the synth goes back higher in pitch, I think it would be cute to move this to 4th col to express that through movement.
I would also move 00:42:486 (42486|2) down to the blue line as the synth noticeably plays there, so this feels delayed at the moment.
00:43:454 (43454|0,43535|1) - How come this is a grace but 00:43:938 (43938|3,44059|3) is a jack despite the vocal here being more abrupt? I think you could make the grace a 2nd col jack as well to emphasize the long syllables in each 1/2 beat.
00:50:470 i understand the boldness of the vocal will warrant a higher snap, but the sound itself isnt too strong so i dont really see a justification for a 1/2+1/7+whatever snap that is mixture here. especially considering that 00:50:712 (50712|1,50747|3) practically plays as a jump and visually looks like a jump at first due to the column gap between the 2 notes
my suggestion: keep the same pattern on the same columns, but change the snap to a constant 1/8. the sustained vocal is quite audible here so a constant general map flow will be kept and the burst won't feel as sudden
00:51:231 (51231|0,51257|2,51317|1,51438|0,51438|2,51519|1,51599|0,51680|2,51680|1) - the fuck is wrong with you
Listen.... Im sorry...... Ill deliver the goods by monday.... I swear... P-please dont harm my famil ABWGHAWGHAWHGH WHO THE FUJCKK ARE YOUU LMAKOAMOIASDFMOASDIOFGAIKDSG
Fucked upi n da crib sippin dr perky Fucked upi n da crib sippin dr perky Fucked upi n da crib sippin dr perky Fucked upi n da crib sippin dr perky Fucked upi n da crib sippin dr perky Fucked upi n da crib sippin dr perky Fucked upi n da crib sippin dr perky
00:52:406 (52406|0,52406|2,52406|1,52527|2,52648|2,52769|1,52769|0,52890|0,52890|2,52890|3,53011|0) - using a jack pattern feels too "rigid" considering the general light feeling of these vocals + the small pitch progression of the vocal heard at the start of 00:52:40 isnt represented properly
these jacks also just generally feel off-putting and out of place when you factor in the more streamy patterns surrounding the jacks
this shi look mad ugly bruh😂😂😂🔥🔥🔥💯💯 00:53:132 (53132|1,53132|3,53212|2,53293|3,53373|2,53373|1,53373|0,53454|3,53535|2,53615|1,53736|1)
00:57:501 (57501|2,57501|0,57501|3,57501|1,57743|3,57743|2,57743|1,57743|0,57985|2,57985|3,57985|0,57985|1) - Feel like this is emphasized too much here, the quads are a bit overdone considering that this is right before the drop and the vocals aren't all that intense.
Suggestion: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18418814/1784
-> If applied, would do the same with 03:16:856
01:01:236 (61236|0,61236|1) - I would make this a single, the vocal ends by 01:01:115 (61115|1,61115|3) when interrupted by the kick, and just goes "ss" which I don't feel is worth emphasizing. Would also make 01:01:357 (61357|3,61357|2,61478|2,61478|3) more impactful.
01:02:945 (62945|2,62945|3,63066|3,63187|3,63187|2,63308|2,63429|3,63429|2) - Feels like the concept of using 3 jacks for the same vocal keys starts a bit too early, as it begins from the 1/4 line at 01:02:945 (62945|3,63066|3,63187|3), when the vocal patterning for jacks should start at 01:03:066. This throws off the player since this breaks the flow of your chordjacks.
Suggestion: https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18418842/b4e6
-> This would have the 3-jack concept start on the white line and flow better with hand usage transitions so that it feels as if you're following the vocal.
If applied, would also do something similar with 01:10:687, 02:12:622, 02:20:364, 03:22:300, and 03:30:042
01:06:075 (66075|3,66075|1,66317|3,66317|1,66559|1,66559|3,66801|1,66801|3) - why does this repeat 4 times? I'm assuming this is for the repeating vocal but for every other instance before hand it usually alternates like 00:58:333 (58333|0,58333|2,58575|0,58575|3,58817|0,58817|2) where it goes from [13] to [14] back to [13] but here it's the same exact one. Feels weird in terms of structural inconsistency.
01:37:648 (97648|2,97717|1,97786|0) - This goes on a bit too long, the vocal abruptly ends before we even hit 01:37:786 (97786|0) so I would remove the last note to better express the vocal.
Same with 01:41:680 (101680|0) and 01:42:164 (102164|2)
01:40:853 (100853|0,100914|1) - Feel like it'd be better if you moved 01:40:853 (100853|0) to 2nd col and 01:40:914 (100914|1) to 4th to better distinguish the vocal here from the trills before it representing the synth at 01:40:430 (100430|0,100551|1,100672|0)
01:50:083 (110083|3,110180|1,110277|2,110373|0) - 1/5 streams feels way too light and laidback for the intensity of the vocal. these are literally 155 bpm streams bro what was goign through your head when you mapped this
01:53:615 (113615|0,113615|1), 01:54:583 (114583|0,114583|2) - What's the point of these doubles? You don't emphasize a vocal line most of the time as one so these are rather random, I would leave them as singles to better express the rhythm.
01:55:672 (115672|3) - could move this up to the next 1/6 instead to create a more constant flow for the "be" lead-in vocal while still accentuating the initial rigidity of the starting syllable
the stream starts with the first 2 notes having an initial downward flow to represent the vocal decreasing in pitch, but the 3rd note disconnects from the first 2 notes to suddenly give the stream a bit more of an upward boost in flow, creating a "neutral" pattern as before but more interesting and less linear.
this pattern would also be a direct mirror+flip from the stream just below it
02:04:261 (124261|3,124261|1,124261|0,124744|1,124744|0,124744|2) - These triples in particular feel really overemphasized for the vocal. You already use the triples for the kick and snare so trying to use triples now for the vocal doesn't hold any meaningful impact. I would rather keep them as doubles to better distinguish them from the instrumental.
02:20:364 - 02:21:937
Compare the two patterns:
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18418859/ea0d 02:20:364 - 02:21:937
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18418861/320a 02:12:622 - 02:14:195 (and every other time this part plays)
-> The first one has the jacks alternate in both hands, it's the only time this happens. Every other moment has the jacks landing on the same hand. It feels a bit odd to change this now since the vocals are relatively the same every time.
-> Suggestion: Have it so that 02:20:364 - 02:21:937 is applied to all the other moments, so that hand usage is more balanced with the chordjacks and better follows the vocals since it goes low, then high.
02:54:422 (174422|1,174502|2,174583|1,174644|0,174744|1,174906|2,174986|1,175067|2,175127|3,175228|2) - These streams feel questionably overdone. The vocal is pretty straightforward and abrupt so it doesn't feel natural playing this as half of the notes by then feel like ghost notes- Think this could be expressed better.
Similar reasons apply to 02:56:357 (176357|1,176438|0,176519|1,176579|2,176680|3,176841|2,176922|3,177002|2,177063|1,177164|0). Suggestion:
02:59:543 (179543|3,179543|1) - seperate this jack from 02:59:664 (179664|3) and make 02:59:422 (179422|1,179422|0,179543|1,179543|3) connect
03:06:680 (186680|0) - I would move this to 3rd col to better distinguish the fact the vocal is more abrupt here compared to 03:05:954 (185954|3,186075|3,186196|3) which has a pretty long vocal.
03:09:583 (189583|1,189644|2,189704|1,189765|2,189825|1) - Really don't like how this plays epsecially with how the vocal plays. It's pretty abrupt so this trill pattern feels arbitrary and forced. I would remove 03:09:704 (189704|1,189765|2) out of this.
03:23:615 - i am not sure but i think this is supposed to be a triple instead of quad even tho the vocal is intense here it doesnt follow the start of a new vocal to support quad in my opinion.
In the other kiais you mapped the same part as double because vocals were less intense (02:13:938 - ) so i think triple would be more fitting than suddenly switching to quad
03:44:059 - i think this vocal has a greater impact than 03:44:180 - and therefore i think it should be mapped as triple and you could 03:44:180 - reduce this to double i think OR you can only just add the triple at 03:44:059 - for the vocal to make it similar to a pattern like this 03:39:099 (219099|3,219099|2,219099|0,219220|0,219220|3,219220|1,219341|1,219341|0,219341|2) - which could fit the vocal pattern of the song there in my opinion.
Maybe like this?:
Let me know if you agree or disagree
04:02:083 - this could be a similar case here but i think this one is optional since it actually does fit with being a single note since the vocals are in a deeper pitch than at the other highlighted timestamps i pointed out, but i still wanna point this out just in case you would also want to make this a double