mapped by [-Omni-]
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 11 July 2023 so it was graveyarded...
17 July 2023
Issue #3790150 by vzlen marked as resolved by vzlen.
11 July 2023
Owner of difficulty omni_x_fall-'s_muzukashii_ changed to Fall-. ([-Omni-])
25 June 2023
Discussion #3790150 by vzlen obtained enough votes for kudosu.
24 June 2023
Resolved issue #3790150 by vzlen reopened by vzlen.
Issue #3790150 by vzlen marked as resolved by vzlen.
23 June 2023
Owner of difficulty hirosheap's_kantan_! changed to Hirosheap. ([-Omni-])
Owner of difficulty furi's_futsuu_! changed to Furiiii. ([-Omni-])
19 May 2023
Discussion #3734286 by -Birds- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3734286 by -Birds- marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Issue #3734278 by -Birds- marked as resolved by -Birds-.
Issue #3734271 by -Birds- marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Issue #3734273 by -Birds- marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Discussion #3734278 by -Birds- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3734271 by -Birds- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3734273 by -Birds- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
16 May 2023
Issue #3730068 by -Birds- marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Discussion #3730068 by -Birds- obtained enough votes for kudosu.
12 May 2023
Issue #3718394 by yeahitsaubrey marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Tags changed from "electronic english ixeon kiyoshi guarden hyperpop hyper pop collab footwork" to "electronic english ixeon kiyoshi guarden hyperpop pop collab footwork".
Resolved issue #3718394 by yeahitsaubrey reopened by yeahitsaubrey.
10 May 2023
Discussion #3717001 by Whulf obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3717001 by Whulf marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Issue #3718394 by yeahitsaubrey marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Resolved issue #3718394 by yeahitsaubrey reopened by [-Omni-].
Discussion #3718394 by yeahitsaubrey obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Tags changed from "electronic english ixeon kiyoshi guarden hyper pop collab footwork" to "electronic english ixeon kiyoshi guarden hyperpop pop collab footwork".
9 May 2023
Issue #3718394 by yeahitsaubrey marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Tags changed from "electronic english ixeon kiyoshi guarden hyperpop hyper pop collab footwork" to "electronic english ixeon kiyoshi guarden hyper pop collab footwork".
8 May 2023
Issue #3717795 by _knots marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Discussion #3717795 by _knots obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3716951 by Whulf marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Discussion #3716951 by Whulf obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3716947 by Whulf marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Issue #3715121 by lLenin marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Issue #3716954 by Whulf marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Discussion #3716947 by Whulf obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3716954 by Whulf obtained enough votes for kudosu.
7 May 2023
Discussion #3715121 by lLenin obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Issue #3714460 by yeahitsaubrey marked as resolved by [-Omni-].
Discussion #3714460 by yeahitsaubrey obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Language changed from Unspecified to English. ([-Omni-])
Genre changed from Unspecified to Electronic. ([-Omni-])
Owner of difficulty omni x ixeon's jump arounddd_! changed to ixeon. ([-Omni-])