Hello, sorry for posting this while qualified. I don't think there are any dealbreaking problems with the map, but I'm just a little concerned because a huge portion of this map's strain and density is concentrated purely in the second kiai (responsible for jump from 8* to 12* alone btw), and the map's settings are quite lenient.
I guess I'll say the quiet part out loud, this 12* is an easy pass for lots of players in rank ranges you wouldn't expect should be able to pass a 12*, and my worry is that it'll sort of exacerbate an issue some have with the 7K ranked section about "pp inflation", with more and more high SR, but relatively easy maps getting ranked.
My suggestion is very simple and very unintrusive to the map itself, I think the map's settings should be very harsh, I'd like to recommend raising the HP/OD to 9/7, so the second kiai can act as a filter that only players who would be "more deserving" of a 12* can get through.
Additionally, I think a high HP will give players who do pass it a greater sense of accomplishment, e.g. back in the day, I personally was really hyped when I got my first Shironaga/Monochrome passes, both of which have a similar "unbalanced" density spread, but harsh map settings.
Also edit: Since reasons for choosing high/low HP or OD can kinda be subjective, I won't be pushy about this cuz it's not my place to dictate how the ranked section should be. Also my preferences for map harshness seems to be on the more extreme end after discussing in the BN server 😅😅😅. Smaller changes like 8.5/7 are also an alternate option
my concern was the opposite:
Due to the higher strain towards the end of the map, having too high of an HP will unfairly fail players even with high accuracy. o!m is not known for good HP clearing mechanics, especially for LNs, and it can be very easy to slip up and fail. I personally found such experiences far more frustrating, and not really worth the satisfaction from clearing them.
Open for opinions though.
Adjustments to HP/OD is a very quick change and if people don't think it's not frustrating to fail with high As, or if the current HP values are not high enough to fail very low mashed scores without unfairly failing a significant number of players, there should be no reason to keep it.
Not related with pattern but metadata
This mapset cannot be searched with keyword 'taiko' or 'taiko no tatsujin' which is romanised source as '太鼓の達人'
So, I suggest to add tags 'taiko no tatsujin nijiiro version' for better search ability
Ref: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/1904118
Most ranked mapsets with TnT music has prefer tags as well
Yes, there is an issue with the metadata. Per the guideline cited by Ryu Sei, maps with metadata that has ambiguous or non-Unicode characters should include tags relevant to the metadata present. In this case, even though '太鼓の達人' is the source, this map cannot be searched by simply typing in 'taiko no tatsujin' as they are not present in the tags. Therefore, adding these tags is necessary to ensure this map gets ranked and is easily searchable.
this guideline is more relevant imo:
If the source of the song is available in both unicode and romanised formats, the option not used in the source field should be added to tags.
Generally, a hard-to-write unicode character was added to the RC as a reference to umlauts, accents, or symbols used in place of roman characters, though it kinda applies here.
artist and title good
doesn't seem like there's a standardization clause for (full ver.)
+ssapgosu (you need gd'er in tag for the map to be searchable with ssapgosu ingame)
+楽曲募集ページ (song event where this was added to taiko)
+ニジイロVer. (the first version the game ver song was added for taiko)
thought a bit about the source tag but it doesn't really seem like the game actually brands itself as 太鼓の達人ニジイロVer. so it's probably fine to just leave it as 太鼓の達人.
additional meta sources:
bg good
audio: #3711795/9966367
all good
hitnormal only and no hs delay
HP 8.6???
Seems a little overkill IMO. I saw your note on HP but I don't think it makes sense to deliberately fail players at the end of the map. The highest I'd go is 8, otherwise you're going to fail a lot of high A scores.
Recognized background artist:
If you want to link this instead
[Audio check]
Bitrate check
128kbps mp3. bandcamp audio is 128kbps so this is best option.
[Metadata check]
change to 星河一天 (full ver.)
Romanized title
change to Seiga itten (full ver.)
(romajii from https://wikiwiki.jp/taiko-fumen/%E5%8F%8E%E9%8C%B2%E6%9B%B2/%E3%81%8A%E3%81%AB/%E6%98%9F%E6%B2%B3%E4%B8%80%E5%A4%A9)
Romanized Artist
change to Instrumental
change to Electronic
8bit electronic chiptune game soundtrack musicgame Japan (from https://d-d-dice.bandcamp.com/track/full-ver-2) (this also has genre.)
星屑物語 Hoshikuzu Monogatari (album title)
DDDCD-0001 (album number)
seatrus (mastering of album)
Instrumental (language)
ssapgosu (collab)
Tag copy paste:
Electronic Instrumental 8bit chiptune game soundtrack musicgame Japan 星屑物語 Hoshikuzu Monogatari DDDCD-0001 seatrus ssapgosu
[File check]
Unused File?
BG size
has No BG yet. get some nice one.
No video
[Hitsound check]
Has hitnormal?
No. try to find a nice one
Is it audible?
6/7 for expert+ is too low. try 6.5/8.2
You forget youtube :) It uses libopus nowadays, so quality is shockingly good (if the source is good).
(Opus source -> Vorbis q6 - 189kbps)
hopping in cuz the mapper asked me some questions through discord
two things:
the bandcamp page provides much more than just 128kbps mp3. The 128kbps mp3 ssapgosu saw is probably the preview audio. The best possible source is usually lossless (you need to buy it on the page to access it.)
If you're ripping from youtube, you should avoid transcoding to higher than q5. Youtube does provide opus audio but they are only up to 160kbps average. Transcoding to q6 means that you're wasting a lot of storage.
I have DM'd the mapper a better vorbis q6 audio file transcoded from a lossless source. Please close this after replacing the audio.