(hs thread)
whistles: 00:45:717 - 00:46:008 - 00:46:590 -
kicks: 00:08:241 (1) - 00:08:823 (1) - 00:11:445 (4) - 00:21:348 (3) - 00:44:746 (3,4) - 01:22:513 (4,5,6) -
cymbals: 00:15:231 (1) - 00:52:513 (1) - 01:01:833 (1) -
for 00:18:726 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - , could slightly adjust to:
00:18:726 (1) - -> snare, 00:19:018 (1,2) - -> kicks
could add smth to provide enough feedback for players
00:23:872 (3) - 00:27:367 (2) - 00:32:998 (2) - 00:33:192 (3) - 00:36:687 (2) - 00:42:513 (2) - 01:15:134 (2) - 01:15:717 (5) - 01:19:794 (2) - 01:20:183 (4) - 01:20:377 (5) - 01:22:124 (2) - 01:24:454 (2) - 01:24:843 (4) - 01:25:037 (5) -
btw i use main diff as reference since your hs diff lacks a lot objects
fix some whistles and kicks
cymbals not like this
add hitsound to 00:18:726 (1,2,3,1,2,3) -
what kind of thing could i add to provide enough feedback for players
Akari Nanawo - Kien Romance (Sanayui).osb
What is this? If you won't make storyboard, it is just unnecessary file.
why is "AkariNanawo" in tags? shldnt it be "nanawoakari"
channel: https://www.youtube.com/@nanawoakariSMEJ
metadata of other sets: https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/814033#osu/1714827 https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/770165#osu/1631954