mapped by Tagekongen
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 14 April 2023 so it was graveyarded...
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cool song representation using those funky sliders and fun awkward patterns


Lmao how far I've fallen


01:44:977 (2) - damn this slider is sick


Wait until you see his brother


01:44:977 (2) - you could give it new combo maybe?


I felt like the follow point could possibly add to the ambience buildup in that break. However, taking into consideration that I can't even testplay my maps anymore, it's only reasonable to question my decisions. Therefore I am left with no other alternative than to fulfill this request of yours, seeing as you have both the ability to play and also judge maps, FuXsy.

Marked as resolved by Tagekongen

02:08:883 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - because of the first slider going up, you subconsciously play the jump pattern from bottom to top not the other way around. maybe you should play around with the sliders a little to make it easier to sightread (I think it's alright if you want to leave it like that, just would be more convenient)



Marked as resolved by Tagekongen