mapped by Annabel
This beatmap was ranked on 24 September 2024!
nominated by Ryxliee and davidminh0111
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01:04:794 (346,347,348,350,351,352,354,355,356,358,359,360,362,363,364) - 01:14:299 (419,420,421,423,424,425,427,428,429,431,432,433) -
for inner and top diff, I would expect the triplet variety at these two sections to be mono triplets for Inner Oni and multicolor triplets for top diff in both sections too

my point is that multicolor triplets between finishers is kinda hard to play so both diffs currently play the same technique, so consider changing the triplets at 01:04:794 into D kkk D kkk D etc...

then add multicolors in 01:14:299 (558,559,560) - 01:14:745 (562,563,564) - 01:15:190 (566,567,568) - 01:15:636 (570,571,572) -


i think i will just make them monos cuz part of what i didnt like from the original map was the ddk's between the finishers cuz it is kind of difficult when that shouldnt b the focus there

Marked as resolved by Annabel

finishers look consistent between diffs but tbh some could have color changes and also there are places where extra finishers would look pretty cool for the low diffs:

all diffs: 01:04:349 the sound here kinda resembles 00:59:596 and would look better as finisher imo
K/F: 02:14:448 finisher here would look cool too cuz the synth goes very high
K/F/M 02:15:636 SAME^
K/F/M: 01:04:646 01:05:537 the bass has a high pitch so K might sound better
F/M: 01:14:596 01:15:487 D for similar reasons, the contrast between the bass pitches gives space for color changes


not too a big of fan of being inconsistent but i guess it would make the k/f less boring

Marked as resolved by Annabel

02:16:824 ending is too ez in muzu, maybe you should paste the outro in the futsuu and then make something else for muzu that includes 1/2 triplets or smth


did smth

Marked as resolved by Annabel

F/M 01:54:250 - 01:55:438 looks empty in both diffs, could add notes at 01:54:844 for both and maybe 01:54:547 for muzu


did smth

Marked as resolved by Annabel

00:04:052 01:20:091 k to follow the high pitch instrument? this looks particularly good in lower diffs


not following that layer in the opening

Marked as resolved by Annabel

S/K/F/M: 00:21:576 00:26:329 00:31:378 K? for high pitch synth + cymbal

also idk why u big note 00:30:784 and not the others above, the sound there is very weak imo


added some finishers

Marked as resolved by Annabel