00:16:219 (1,2,3) - for these current grouping pattern, while the DS are right, the overlap between 00:16:219 (1,2) - and 00:16:785 (2,3) - are kinda misleading plus the movement aren't linear enough. The problem amplified because these 3 objects are overlapped to each other and it is hard to differentiate the snapping. I Suggest avoid putting overlap if there are rhythm variety in the same grouping pattern so they could distinct between 1/1 - 1/2 and so on.
00:33:776 (3) - change to 1/2 slider with reverse or something similar. snare drum at 00:33:917 - is important transition and need to be filled/mapped
00:35:775 (2,3) - don't stack 1/1 to avoid confusion with 1/2 stack. while it's true there isn't much 1/2 stack around that section, would be much preferable if you don't put any in 1/1 at all in this diff
00:49:079 (4,5,1) - pretty hard to follow since the general movement at 00:49:079 (4,5) - isn't pretty straightforward and the back and forth 00:49:079 (4,1) - doesn't really help much too. could adjust to something that's much more straightforward and easy to predict like https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/18500185/dffa