00:03:979 (1,2,3,4) - 4 note hypers at the peak of this build-up would make more sense than putting it at the start.
00:04:396 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - since the pitch is going up, would make later parts wider (imo hdash is good currently because lower pitch makes more impact)
00:06:646 (1) - This slider feel too short for previous slider and next slider (literally walkable). You can see if you compare to other dif.
I think better move this 00:06:646 (1) to right until dashable but hdash is better
Not sure if your put this 00:07:479 (4) on purpose but I rather put it on right side
Those distance 00:07:479 (4,5) is too short for top dif (and among 'forte' and 'fortissimo' dif).
Consider to increase the distance for those.
every overdose has a different idea and execution and comparing them is not rly suitable for this mapset
however i moved that a little bit
00:09:646 (2) - too short for previous and next object.
Move that too right until hold dashable.
00:15:479 (7) - 00:15:646 (8) - unsnapped
Not sure if it's intended, but if it is, just use 1/4, as of right now it just feels something is wrong
00:15:812 (9,10,1,2) - being here hyperchain makes less efficient on expressing (1) as downbeat. would make (9,10) as normal dash
00:21:645 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Throughout the whole set I dont think I've seen 1/4 streams being represented by triples. If there isn't a specific reason for this, I would strongly suggest going with how you normally structured the streams throughout the map.
01:13:228 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - makes sense to use these patterns as the beat drops every 3/4.
i've seen this concern being brought up before by mniam and i strongly disagree with this
my reasoning is that this section (
00:21:645 (1,2,3,4,5,6) ) can be described as a diminuendo (continuous decrease in volume/pitch), the notes are decreasing in pitch without using the previous 1/4 pitch (as a proof i have a note sheet/midi file of circus galop) hence why it's possible to use variable rhythm choice here, either 4/4, 3/4 or 2/4, since it'll be the same
changed the 1st one
2nd is for the piano (what an argument for this song) that is intense imo
3rd one toned a little bit
00:24:312 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this is pretty underwhelming compared to the other 1/4s, would do something more challenging
these are not edge dashes but i found myself suffering from trying to hit these so i'll reduce the distance
00:28:645 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - these distances are way too awkward now, naturally the player would hold the keys here (holding right after 4,5 to reach 6,7 but you have to actually stop and do a little tap instead)
if that's the gimmick you meant to imploy then sure but for a sightread it's not the greatest
00:36:562 (2) - emphasis should be on 00:36:645 (3) not @ 00:36:562 (2). I don't hear anything supporting his hyper.
This rhythm choice would make more sense. ( the 1 slider starts @ 00:36:312)
00:37:479 (3,4) - To accurately represent the song, I think using normal non hypered wiggles would make more sense since the song is decreasing in intensity. 00:37:479 (3,4) would be better @ 00:36:812 ~ 00:37:062 .
00:39:145 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - this build-up part doesn't need hyperdashes imo. can't find any feature to support the consecutive hdashes
00:41:812 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - feels way too strong compared to 00:40:396 (16,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - . it's not stronger part in the song. would nerf distances mostly
00:47:144 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - you know those being same direction is a bit disappointing :sob
could arrange previous part imo
00:56:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5) - can I know what rhythm you followed to place hdashes? It seems random a bit for me
also 1/8 from 00:57:810
00:56:810 (4) - 00:57:643 (5) - wanna tilt these a bit so that they are more lenient to play? currently the movement here feels tight
01:16:144 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - With how small the CS is it is really easy for players to miss 1 note. Move the stacks closer to each other so people don't get punished for a minuscule mistake.
it just plays bad
I would be very happy to see you explain why does it play bad and how it would change the playing experience if i made it less wide considering that the inputs would still be the same
is standstill skill really necessary for this map? it is just out of place. would just nerf or change to smth requires main skill of this map (like speed)
01:16:144 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - same
01:22:311 (4) - I think previous distance (1.74x) is to far if you compare to 01:21:977 (2) - (1.50x).
Probably you need make the distance same
01:23:144 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - some hyperdashes here could be removed and nerfed, I feel like the part is a bit overdone compared to the song's intensity
nerfed this section and removed the hyperdash between 01:23:477 (4,5) - , the rest of hyperdashes makes sense musically
01:24:479 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1) - deserves more of a dramatic buildup personally, would increase spacings
i think it's enough, i wanted every object on every side to start on the end of the previous object on that side. however, i'll make sv a little bigger (like 1.2)
01:24:644 (3,4,5) - the 1/6 wiggle on 3~5 is something really unexpected I'd say, would just group 01:24:644 (3,4) together
it doesnt... the only thing that is common in this diff with fortissimo is the usage of 1/2 sliders here in this section, it's imo okay since this diff has wider space between sliders, while prior diff has smaller distance between sliders
01:41:548 (4,5) - how come this isnt hdash when 01:40:222 (4,5) has a similar sound. could maybe add hdash
i jus switched them so 01:41:548 (4,5) that is a hdash now and 01:40:222 (4,5) isn't :tf:
but for real it's for the progression, in this section every time (3/1) a new layer of piano sounds get added so i also want to add that progression inside of that 3/1 (i hope it's understandable what i'm trying to say)
I think those 01:42:376 (1,2) - should be stand still just like 01:41:050 (1,2) and 01:39:724 (1,2) but it's optional
i'm rly keen on the idea of progression in every 3/1 stanza however i made some changes (01:39:724 (1,2) - is now 2 standstills, 01:41:050 (1,2) - is now 1 standstill, 01:42:376 (1,2) - doesn't have standstills now)
would give more noticeable change on dynamic melody line like 02:02:818 (1) - and 02:03:150 (1,2,3) -
currently they are too same in visual and playing so it feels too boring
Spinner gap too small.
02:04:597 (2,1) - The spinner must be at least 62 ms apart from the previous object, currently 43 ms.
02:04:597 (5) - would move this note to the right side of the playfield to emphasize the end of the song