megaset 4fun
GD count: 41
Standard - 32, Taiko - 6, Catch - 1, Mania - 2All DiffsStandard
Maze -
Me (0,14★)
Maze (sync) -
Me (0,14★)
"Listen Up, Everyone! Yumi Likes Takashi-Kun!" -
Gengar9nn (1,06★)
Easy -
Me (1,60★)
Birb's Easy -
My Angel Rushia (1,90★)
Normal -
Me (2,23★)
Katnon's Simetrigatito -
-Katnon- (2,24★)
Advanced -
Me (2,58★)
Hard -
Me (3,45★)
Mikey's H A R D R O C K! -
MrMcMikey22 (4,15★)
PLAY EASY's Ordinary Map -
PLAY EASY (4,41★)
Insane -
Me (4,54★)
Jeremi's Argentinian Peso -
Jeremiasz (4,73★)
PLAY EASY's Sakamoto -
PLAY EASY (4,90★)
PLAY EASY's Hakase -
PLAY EASY (4,92★)
Gengar9nn's "Normal" -
Gengar9nn (5,31★)
Me (5,33★)
Bluenation's el gato -
Bluenation (5,43★)
Expert -
Me (5,55★)
mqwilliamscom's high jump -
mqwilliamscom (5,66★)
Kubry's Daily Routine -
Kubryseeght (5,70★)
Ordinary Extra -
Me (5,76★)
Evangelion_guy's Extra -
Evangelion_guy (5,77★)
Super Ultra-Great Delicious Wonderfully Screwed -
Me (5,78★)
Definitely not a Robot -
Me (6,06★)
KioSHiI's Dumb jumps -
KioSHiIgg (6,07★)
Kuachai's ._. -
Kuachai (6,26★)
ceamewith3e's Sefure -
ceamewith3e (6,31★)
Hirosheap'Swift -
Hirosheap (6,39★)
Wavewy's Nasral -
Wavewy (6,43★)
Aqueous' Wonderfully Normal Average Existence -
_Aqueous (6,46★)
coxner's Slice of Life -
coxner (6,46★)
Fump's Panic!! -
Fump (6,88★)
Vack's :skull: -
Vack (6,88★)
Fump's Geometry -
Fump (6,94★)
5pointrekt's Close Friendship -
5pointrekt (7,74★)
KPMY's Schizophrenia -
KPMY (7,83★)
Gengar9nn's 3D Model -
Gengar9nn (7,94★)
Ramos' Ordinary Life -
CD Ramos (8,39★)
Akari-'s Nietzschejou -
Akari- (8,94★)
5pointrekt's Doubletapped Yakisaba -
5pointrekt (10,46★)
Kubry's Daily Grind of a Sigma -
Kubryseeght (11,53★)
iaport's Heavy Weaponry -
iaport (11,70★)
Fump's meow -
Fump (12,31★)
procq's Kantan -
procq (1,57★)
Rashod's Futsuu -
Rashod (2,23★)
procq's Muzukashii -
procq (3,04★)
Nanaki's Oni -
- Nanaki - (4,16★)
Nanaki's Inner Oni -
- Nanaki - (4,62★)
procq's Inner Oni -
procq (4,80★)
Moofu's Overdose -
Moofu (5,75★)
[4K] Chrisse's ordinary life -
Chrisse (3,62★)
[4K] HiddenCheese's Notes Go Brrr -
HiddenCheese (4,26★)