Think i have a general concern about one special synth that dumped into 1/8 snap through the whole map, for example 02:25:674 (145674|0,145674|3,145704|2,145734|1,145764|3,145794|0,145824|2,145854|1,145884|0) - 02:46:794 (166794|3,166794|0,166824|1,166854|2,166884|0,166914|3,166944|1,166974|2,167004|3) -
To be fair the snap usage for dump is always subjective and should consider the sound's intensity and how it plays compared with other patterns.
For the case here, i personally feel most places using 1/8 snap lasting for one beat can be a bit too overwhelming than the average streams pattern. And from my perspective those sounds are not that intense to make such a harsh burst so probably those snaps can be lowered to 1/6 instead but still keep them in less rolly way
This would be a bit of work to change this so i'm glad to have a bit more discussion about this if you have some thoughts
As being said, "strong" or not is a highly personal thing, while the thing i feel from current pattern is that it plays harder than most js/hs pattern so feel unecessary to me
But anyway, since you don't agree with this we just leave it open for 2nd BN's comment
Personally feel it's a subjective case based on person.
And let me jump to the conclusion.. I would give a pass.
If you guys are unsure, we can try to find some 3rd party opinion from higher rank players.
(as well as the open suggestion under 'timeline'. I am fine with the current pattern as well.)
05:11:034 - i think the main idea in this part is based on LN jack, and some different design of LN gaps are used to capture the song's melody flow. From gameplay side i think it feels good enough, but in context and visual side i think there are some things about LN length that can be further addressed
Actually when seeing through this part, the most obvious element in visual are those longer LN like 05:11:514 (311514|2,311514|3,311634|0,311754|3,311754|2,311874|0,311874|1,311994|2,311994|3,312114|0,312234|2,312234|3) - and 05:12:474 (312474|3,312474|0,312594|2,312714|1,312714|0,312834|3,312954|1,312954|2,313074|3,313194|1,313194|0) - , i'm not sure if currently it has some ideas behind it, as it can be seen at 05:13:434 (313434|0,313434|1) - it shows a bit difference with previous pattern, and i think if there are some general ideas behind about these LN placement it would be nicer and cleaner