Title: Maihime (TV Size)
Artist: Lyrical Lily
Tags: dig delight direct drive dj opening リリカルリリィ japanese pop jpop j-pop anime electronic female vocals vocalists Kasuga Haruna 春日 春奈 Shindou Amane 進藤 あまね Sakurada Miyu 桜田美夢 Tanda Hazuki 反田葉月 Shiratori Kurumi 白鳥胡桃 Fukagawa Ruka 深川 瑠華 Takeshita Miiko 竹下みいこ Watase Yuzuki 渡瀬 結月 グルミク groovy mix game 井上拓 taku inoue
Could add the following to tags
"jpop j pop j-pop" to tags -> Further searchability for "japanese pop".
"female vocals vocalist" -> More further searchability