4K: Cool!
7K: see #3436328
spek: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/975227928440881183/1048354555705970808/image.png
18kHz = 192mbps = good
I want to suggest finding an appropriate hitnormal (default hitsound) for the map and adjust the volume accordingly. This is to be nice to players who play with FX volume up (like me!). Some people's skins have really loud default hitsounds which can be very obnoxious when FX volume is turned up.
Both bgs fit within dimension and size limits!
"Doppelganger" is the album of the song. Albums go into tags, not sources. To quote RC: "You must use the Source field if the song comes from or is directly tied to another media such as a video game, movie, series, event, etc."
If Wizdomiot is directly tied to or known because of BMS (even if it's short version that's from the game), you should put BMS as the source
There is a period after "animism" in the tags. Is it supposed to be there?
You can put the bg artists into the tags if they're not already there (also sources for bgs in description or discussion would be good)
Otherwise, tags look okay, but it would be poggers if you can provide a metadata source (link) where you got all the tags.
Every timing point sounds like theyre roughly 1/16 early when listening at 25% speed. Try nudging every single timing point up by 18ms (so that the first red line is at 2271ms)
You could make
01:35:973 - to 02:04:773 -
Into kiai sections.
Fairly general map. I'm not very interested in it though so I'll just give a hype and leave.