01:02:787 (62787|0,62787|1) - What does this jump represent? I don't seem to hear anything in this time stamp, I'll post other instances of this in the replies.
I'm sorry but this is just not it, the 3rd chorus is not a simple stable bpm and it fluctuates a lot. I charted this song in Quaver where i can see the waveform clearly and I've made my timings so it accurately represents the song, other songs by the band do not have stable bpm throughout the whole song and this song isn't an exception.
https://imgur.com/a/t1FWm4b - I've nitpicked some parts where the timings go completely off the rails and doesn't line up with the beats anymore (+20 offset added due to converting issues).
You can check the original timings to see if it lines up with the waveform in the [url=https://quavergame.com/mapset/map/110526]original map[/url] ranked in Quaver. Though this version has some additional timing lines to account for the snap miscolours.
I'd like to ask, how did you exactly come up with those timings, perhaps you used AV or any other software that has waveform timing? Because timing this by ear is a near impossible task :D