mapped by Kiarah
last updated
Hype Train10 / 5
Nomination Status1 / 2
nominated by Daycore
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lower ar to 9, 9.2 is too much for an insane difficulty


oh yeah i mostly had that due to the higher density before but i think with the nerfs 9 is fine, will lower od to 8 as well cause i think it makes more sense

Marked as resolved by Kiarah

228bpm 9-note bursts are kinda troll, compared to the hard diff which hardly uses any 1/4s at all its creates a quite noticeable spread issue, pls nerf insane so perhaps u do max 5 note bursts or sth since the expert diff is super baby spacing n the rhythm progression there would still work


Chat it's over (done)

Marked as resolved by Kiarah

its over :sob:
