mapped by AZKiFanboy
This beatmap was ranked on 8 March 2024!
nominated by Al-Reina and Syrion-
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probably a good idea to add korobeiniki to tags and maybe коробе́йники while you're at it

besides that, tanaka already appears in the artist field so putting tanaka in tags is already unnecessary. but putting it twice? if i run out of storage space i'm blaming this mapset


Chip Tanaka and hip Tanaka are common nicknames that he is referred by from what I've looked up, so they should be fine

Some additional tags cuz I also think it's a bit empty: "vgm music ゲームボーイ gameboy" with music next to video game for video game music. Vgm is a common abbreviation for it and Gameboy is just where Tetris originated so wouldn't hurt to include.

tetris korobeiniki коробе́йники video game music ゲームボーイ gameboy retro chiptune instrumental chip tanaka hip tanaka


do NOT add "gameboy" to tags PLEASE, this would imply every other retro video game set would have to add the console it was released on to tags and I dont think it'll benefit search in this situation. If you do want to add that, also add "Nintendo game boy" at that point.


pls use 'коробейники' instead, nobody uses stress marks when writing russian



It was just a suggestion since I've seen other sets use it, it's not a big deal and doesn't hurt :') mapper's choice in the end


Added the tags: "kurobeiniki коробе́йники ゲームボーイ nintendo gameboy коробейники" in the map just like in the standard map version

thank you for your suggestion 🙏

Marked as resolved by Aikiyo Fuuka

dq to fix tag #4216859



Marked as resolved by Aikiyo Fuuka

This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmaps for new issues. If you are the mapper, please comment in this thread on what you changed.


Update some missing note and changes on Easy Normal and Hard difficult

Marked as resolved by Aikiyo Fuuka

meta: good

audio: kegedean coyy akwokwo ganti dulu pake ini coba
new audio spec:

hitsoundnya tambahain bisa pake ini aja
sama volume audionya naikin ke 40%, 25% kekecilan


Audio dah ku ganti sama hitsound ku tambah

Marked as resolved by Aikiyo Fuuka

Turunin Volume Hitsoundnya ke 15~25%
tambahin tag "Chip Tanaka Hip Tanaka" sebagai nama alias dari artistnya


Ditambahkan tag + hitsounds kuturunin volumenya ke 25%

Marked as resolved by Aikiyo Fuuka

dari awal sampe 00:00:448 (448|1,649|2,850|3) - mungkin bakal lebih rapi kalo note 00:01:653 (1653|1,1854|1) - ga di stack berdasarkan note yang di 00:00:448 (448|1,649|2,850|3) -


ingfo diterima

Marked as resolved by Aikiyo Fuuka