there's really a lot that needs to be worked on in this map.
For example patterns like at 01:13:764 i'd avoid as they play very poorly and are uncomfortable, would be better as a kk(dddk)kdk for example
#3699475 with things like this modpost while you did apply it on the sounds i mentioned, i also meant to keep it consistent and apply it on every instance of that sound since you chose to
streams like from 01:27:336 to 01:29:082 are quite too just don triple heavy, i feel like most of the patterns in the map are like this and it would really help the map a lot if you used some variety in the 1/4 patterning.
from 01:40:510 to 01:48:129 theres a ton of ignored 1/6 buzz sounds which are very clear, would be good if you followed them all with 1/6 triples
ill leave the modding here, you should also look at what some other experienced mappers do in their maps with coloring and patterns to help you further understand what would be more comfortable for gameplay