We are here to expand on the recent unrank that occurred, to give some insight on the issues that caused the map to be unranked.
Right now, the top difficulty has plenty of long jacks at 143 BPM. The difficulty by itself is undoubtedly not an Insane, reaching Extra territory. In turn, this makes the spread gap skip the Insane difficulty and make the spread unrankable as a result, on top of the difficulty spikes it creates. The last longjack at 02:37:806 in particular, reaching a total of 64 notes, caused the biggest of gaps and difficulty issues.
Moreover the extremely long one hand trill in Drater's HARD
on the same timestamp is also not appropriate for its difficulty.
To solve the issues of this unrank:
Add a difficulty between Drater's HARD
and GOODBYE difficulty
. This may depend on how much the top difficulty gets nerfed in the process.
The 64 notes long jack needs to go. They need to be replaced by more spread out jackhammers that are easier to hit and don't cause an inappropriate difficulty spike. This also applies to the Hard difficulty's long trill at the very end.
that'll also heavily depend on the diff that bridges between Hard and top diff
since jack and trill are 2 different categories, It would have been better that they get split out evenly
For example, the new Insane can use 4 jacks and switch col on each 1/1, and then hard diff can be nerfed into minijack or we can have the trill like above
see what's in between them first then decide the best outcome
For the record:
Drater's HARD
far too big to ignore. The current longjacks (particularly 02:37:806) are unfitting for an Insane difficulty. Moreover, the gap created with the previous difficulty is unreasonably big in no small part because of the top diff's reliance on long and straining jackhammers.