spectro https://i.imgur.com/Zs1CE8C.png
defreeyay claims this is the best audio quality we're gonna find for now
the only metadata source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFRFH3yh_BA
Honestly, this difficulty is kinda overmapped & I would consider nerfing, cause right now the overmapping here is quite incoherent.
Here's what I suggest, you could take a look at the Collab Workstation difficulty and take some ideas from there with your nerfing.
I also suggest you delete just notes that have no noise to them, like 00:17:340 (61) - for example, just so the rhythm is more straight-forward.
Since people can make Budget PC into Office Computer or Gaming PC, I think it should be objective outcome for difficulty name like 'Supercomputer' as highest diff(We know that Supercomputer is really top tier computer)
I would suggest tier levels into
Potato - Office Computer - Gaming PC - Workstation - Supercomputer
So, change 'Budget PC' to 'Gaming PC' / and / change old 'Gaming PC' to 'Workstation'
With common sense, we knew that Office Computer requires lower spec than Gaming PC while opposite isn't
But the new diff name 'Workstation' can be used like 'Computer which has higher spec than any other PC(Personal Computer)' .
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workstation
Related rule: A beatmap's custom difficulty naming must follow a common theme or pattern related to the song or difficulty and must not be misrepresentative. A difficulty name is misrepresentative if it implies a different difficulty level
But since it can be subjective discussion since some people might consider Budget PC as midterm between diffs, I will leave this as suggestion.
Workstation is much better
keeping the "NASA" in "NASA Supercomputer" to reference the last sentence tho
xQcOW is being shortened to xQc, mainly due to him no longer playing Overwatch professionally
xQcOW's --> xQc's (and variant without apostrophe for ease of search)
he's also renamed on twitch to reflect that https://www.twitch.tv/xqc
so apparently searching "xqc" on its own is enough to show Bird's map? might need a second opinion on this
Ok let's be real most people search smth like "I harmonized xqc" THEN BAM THERES THE MAP
Or smth like "joey barrett" "xqc six (or 6) consoles"
ok yes these tags are optional but here they do serve use for searchability as people can omit apostrophes or use alternate spellings as described above, doesnt really matter that u can write less than whats provided in the title for the map to pop up since theres still the possibility that people write the alternative spelling in full
given how low the notecount is, hp is definitely too low on higher diffs, would recommend something like this:
K -> Inner
9 8.5 8 7.5 7
(this may still be too low)
also, if the top diff is an inner, od 5 is not allowed as RC says it must be greater than 5. you could do something like this:
K -> Inner
2 3 4 5 6
1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5
currently potato and office computer have too similar star ratings after the star rating update as of 28 sep 2022 - is there anything i could do to differentiate between these two diffs?
the update that im talking about is https://osu.ppy.sh/home/news/2022-09-28-changes-to-osu-taiko-sr-and-pp
This mod goes to h3oCharles diffs:
There is no point on mapping the intro part 00:00:066 - 00:01:571 since you're only following the piano sounds for the rest of the map.
If you're not going to remove them, then you should also map xQc vocals between 00:27:562 - 00:28:672, you can probably add some notes in 00:27:947, 00:28:247 & 00:28:318 to follow what's he's trying to say: "and a bunch OF dogSHIT, DUDE" (the capital letters are the moments that you didn't mapped)
uuh i need to reopen this, cuz i placed notes, and updated, and it seems like this is a diff spike... do i not map that?
Office Computer
Gaming PC
NASA SuperComputer
What a nice diff naming
Also potato LAL