just for funsies, i added 3 sliders similar to each of the current ranked 8* yomi yoris, as a homage of sorts. see if you can find them :)
If Deadly force - Put an end can get ranked, then I do not see why this map can't. While I may not have the level requiered to actually play this level, trying stuff around with RX turned out to be really fun!
The mapping is awesome and fits the song well (same with the hitsounds !), while still retaining complex, challenging patterns !
The only element I didn't enjoy was the weird quad slider around 05:09:000, but that is just my personal bias.
We need more ICDD maps ranked to challenge the players !!
how long is it going to take till this map gets ranked,i want to see players pop off already,i keep seeing this map not even qualified it is sad.LETS GO
every day I log into the game client to look at the map changes, can't wait for the leaderboard and top scores to appear on this crazy shit, my brain is going crazy just thinking about ranking, because I've been waiting for this for 7 months btw
i feel like the stream at 1:30:457 should be a little more spaced but thats all the map is pretty good
New different take on the already existing map that looks really fun to watch and will be an impressive score to set by some top player and great finger control and stream players
Dude, this map is so good. Totally deserving to be ranked, maybe even be the new cursed Yomi Yori. Hope this helps to make that come true.