he sells seashells on a seashore But the value of these shells will fall (This is a reference to the popular tongue twister “She Sells Seashells” which goes like this:
She sells seashells by the seashore, But the seashells she sells aren’t seashells, I’m sure. So if she sells seashells on the seashore, Then I’m not sure if she sells real seashore shells.) Due to the laws of supply and demand No one wants to buy shells 'cause there's loads on the sand (“The laws of Supply and Demand” is a piece of microeconomics theory which states that prices of goods and services are based around the relationship between supply and consumer demand. A product with low demand and high supply will have its price fall and a product with high demand and low supply will have its price increase.")
Step one: you must create a sense of scarcity Shells will sell much better if the people think they're rare, you see Bare with me, take as many shells as you can find and hide 'em on an island Stockpile 'em high until they’re rarer than a diamond (To start breaking the laws of supply and demand, you can create artificial scarcity of goods by withholding consumer’s access to the competitions' goods or withholding the sale of these goods, to make consumers percieve these goods as rarer.
This is what happened with diamonds, where monopolistic companies withheld the supply of diamonds to create artificial scarcity.)
pick whichever source you like. if you're gonna go with the label website make sure And is capitalized