[Expert and top diff]
okay so tails brings up a fair point about the snaps here
Whilst accurate on the Insane diff (1/3) because of a different focus, they are a (forced?) missnap on the other two diffs which doesn't feel right
in light of this, it may be worth sticking to just the perc here for doubles
so the mp3 you have is fine, but the audio file on Rivals' set has better quality overall because ogg, plus is a tiny bit smaller
might as well use that one (plus timing points)
mods on old timing just so you know
My take on HP values, just to add onto tails' stuff
The Insane and the Expert diffs are super rolly for the most part, so I think the HP should be raised a little to compensate (to push people mashing through a little more)
Insane to HP 7.8
Expert to between HP 8-8.2
top diff to HP 8.3
tbh Insane can probs be OD 7.5 like the other diffs, the LNs aren't too hard
Small addition from previous ranked sets + from their website https://hololive.hololivepro.com/en/music/kingworld/
Add: sasakureuk 8bit ホロライブ virtual youtuber 2nd j-pop jpop pop ave. rhythm video game videogame CVRD-163 佐々木秀尚 sasaki hidehisa 有形ランペイジ ukrampage 1st generation gamers fbk
dont know what 16bit wars has to do with this or what bokunanoKINGWORLD is for
remove: 16bit war bokunanoKINGWORLD
new tags: hololive vtuber japanese 8-bit electronic chiptune jubeat fbk2nd original song sasakureuk 8bit ホロライブ virtual youtuber 2nd j-pop jpop pop ave. rhythm video game videogame CVRD-163 佐々木秀尚 sasaki hidehisa 有形ランペイジ ukrampage 1st generation gamers fbk
lemme know once everything is applied and I can nom if everything is good
I would lower the OD a bit to 7.5 since it has a lot of streams and they are pretty fast on an insane and make the HP 8
for the top diff just go with OD/HP 8 dont see any point in 7.9