mapped by Andere
This beatmap was ranked on 10 October 2022!
nominated by Furryswan and Quenlla
10 October 2022
8 October 2022
Issue #3343980 by Lott marked as resolved by Quenlla.
6 October 2022
Discussion #3343980 by Lott obtained enough votes for kudosu.
3 October 2022
Marked as explicit (Quenlla)
This beatmap has reached the required number of nominations and has been qualified.
Nominated by Quenlla (osu!mania).
Nominated by Furryswan (osu!mania).
21 September 2022
Issue #3290575 by BanchoBot marked as resolved by Andere.
1 September 2022
New problem #3290575 (
This beatmap set was updated by the mapper after a nomination. Please ensure to re-check the beatmap…
) triggered a nomination reset. (BanchoBot)
Issue #3232072 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3290492 by Quenlla marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3290488 by Quenlla marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3290466 by Quenlla marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3290463 by Quenlla marked as resolved by Andere.
Resolved issue #3232072 by Furryswan reopened by Quenlla.
4 August 2022
Issue #3240827 by smart girl marked as resolved by Andere.
Discussion #3240827 by smart girl obtained enough votes for kudosu.
1 August 2022
Issue #3235715 by Irone OSU marked as resolved by Irone OSU.
Resolved issue #3235715 by Irone OSU reopened by Andere.
Nominated by Furryswan (osu!mania).
Issue #3235715 by Irone OSU marked as resolved by Irone OSU.
Discussion #3235715 by Irone OSU obtained enough votes for kudosu.
New problem #3235715 (
Offset is completely off becuz of the new audio, talked to dubstek on discord about it and will be f…
) triggered a nomination reset. (Irone OSU)
Nominated by Furryswan (osu!mania).
Language changed from Other to English. (Furryswan)
Issue #3232102 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
31 July 2022
Resolved issue #3232102 by Furryswan reopened by Furryswan.
Discussion #3231984 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232001 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232007 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232013 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3233347 by Quenlla obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232017 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3233348 by Quenlla obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3231994 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232040 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3233349 by Quenlla obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232024 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232023 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232081 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232072 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232107 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232055 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232111 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232117 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232118 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232105 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Discussion #3232102 by Furryswan obtained enough votes for kudosu.
Language changed from English to Other. (Andere)
Genre changed from Other to Electronic. (Andere)
Issue #3232013 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232102 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3233347 by Quenlla marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3233349 by Quenlla marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3233348 by Quenlla marked as resolved by Andere.
Resolved issue #3232013 by Furryswan reopened by Quenlla.
30 July 2022
Issue #3232001 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232007 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232013 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232017 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3231994 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232072 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3231984 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232040 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232023 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232024 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232081 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232118 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232117 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232111 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232107 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232055 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
Issue #3232105 by Furryswan marked as resolved by Andere.
30 May 2022
Language changed from Unspecified to English. (Andere)
Genre changed from Unspecified to Other. (Andere)