mapped by anthony1019
last updated
This beatmap wasn't updated since 26 October 2022 so it was graveyarded...
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03:43:721 (1) - very close to being offscreen.


its intentional since i don't have plans for the map being ranked. but ig i'll fix it


Understandable, I like unranked maps more than ranked ones :D but fixing stuff like this wont hurt tbh (i think this slider was kinda fine since it was hittable, the speed sliders at 3:30 are not that fun to hit though and break combo for no reason).


i just thought it would fit in to the song (just in my perspective), that why i made the slider like that. i don't really care if its playable of not


The map is almost 7*, yet everything before the 3 min mark was mapped nowhere close to that star rating (especially the beginning parts are literally 3-4* max).


yeah i started mapping on the 3 min mark and do the rest like backwards after i finished it so i dont really noticed it


Btw, if you dont wanna go for ranked and map it for fun only then i recommend focusing on and fixing the beginning part. The constant sliders with no real changes + the NC combos are what kind of ruin the map (at least for me, although i sent this map to some people and they mostly agree). If you can fix it this map would definitely be a lot better no matter if its going for ranked or not and people would enjoy it even more :D


03:30:802 (1,1,1,1) - way too long for that kind of speed.


that too is intentional


Spacing, visual spacing, rythm and New Combo problems throughout the entire map.


I noticed that even after 2.5 minutes you still use the same slider rythm and pattern 02:31:973 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - even thought there are many different sounds that you could have followed and patterns you could have tried making, this is just undermapped and boring.


03:47:031 (1) - my ears... consider starting at 20% and go all the way to 60% by using 5% increments (the last one would have to be +10% not +5%).


Sliders at 00:41:297 - 01:10:388 (2) - could have been mapped in a more creative way and followed the rythm more.


Sliders... so many sliders xD Consider reducing the amount of sliders in the first minute of the map.
