mapped by Tsukani
This beatmap was ranked on 24 August 2022!
nominated by meiqth and pupu5
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In my honest opinion you shouldn't map the vocals in the intro if you don't have the exact timing of the vocals. For example: 00:01:665 is literally mapped to nothing right now and it's just awkward to play. The "i" happens between 00:01:665 and 00:01:711 but surely not on 00:01:665. 00:07:645 (26,27,28,29) are also extremely weird to play. I suggest you either keep the intro unmapped or just keep it simple by only mapped 00:00:285, 00:01:757, 00:03:229, 00:04:747 etc.


I honestly had so much trouble with getting the intro right. I actually really like the 4 note approach. Changed it to that.

Marked as resolved by Tsukani