mapped by Stability
This beatmap was ranked on 18 October 2022!
nominated by guden and gzdongsheng
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00:03:030 - This intro might still worth mapping just like 00:05:556 - , since the same thing already appears there, just a bit weaker, but leaving it blank makes the spread pretty unhealthy imo


added intro

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:08:714 - is the percussion here ignored on purpose? Think it can be added since it's pretty loud and on 1/1 line

not sure about 00:09:898 - as well, since it's the same as 00:08:556 (8556|0,8635|1) -


yeah ignored on purpose, I tried adding different variety of added sound but in the end all just felt worse to me than simplification

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:11:872 (11872|1,12030|1,12187|1,12345|1) - The 4-note anchors here feel a bit outstanding as no much this usage through the whole diff, while the sound here does not seem to warrant such a strong expression, think you can probably reduce it to 2+2 way (the sound is repeated but it's too weak, so don't feel it's justified enough)


I don't really understand how pretty slow anchor is issue with overall higher difficulty of the chart. It's also really nothing apart from anchor so u can fully concentrate on hitting repeated sound. I have different 3 anchor in more dense section

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:12:959 (12959|1,13038|3) - I don't really think this fits as LNs here since the sound isn't really represented with LNs earlier. I get that this is supposed to cover as a simplification of the sound but I think it would ultimately be better to use rice.


That being said, I think the LNs 00:15:643 (15643|3,15801|0,15959|2,16117|1) - here are fine since they transition into rice and represent the gradual build up of this part


change to rice seems good

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:14:538 (14538|0,14854|1) - These sounds are shorter than the rest of the vocals so I think the LNs should be shorter or removed entirely to contrast from the other LNs appropriately


It might be useful to actually just extend 00:24:485 (24485|3,24643|2) - these instead to give contrast, unless I'm missing something. What do you think?


is second timestamp accurate?


second timestamp was meant for #3332679



Marked as resolved by guden

I am by no means an expert on lower difficulties, but 00:16:906 seems a bit much


same at 00:52:906


idk if 1/6 trills like at 01:27:643 are even allowed in hard diffs

  1. Reworked to have less of anchor on 4 ,but don't see as issue overall
  2. Changed pattern a bit
  3. rearranged to be nice and avoid 1/3 jack
Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:19:906 (19906|2) - Mehh I don't really know if this should be an LN here since it seems (?) that you mainly focus on the vocals and the syllables fall differently here opposed to 00:24:643 (24643|2) -


I'd rather understand it like differentiation between feel of sections, where you have 00:19:433 (19433|0,19433|1,19590|1,19748|2,19748|3,19906|2) - motif followed with LN followed by 00:21:959 (21959|3,21959|1,22117|1,22275|2,22275|0,22433|2,22590|1,22590|3,22748|3) - without. I'd rather avoid having duplicated expression between by changing to rice. It's more following section than accurate expression of immediate sound since that is impossible anyway with limitation of hard diff

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:27:977 (27977|2,27977|1,28135|1) - Might be the same as 00:22:924 (22924|0,22924|2,23082|0) - if no special reason

Same inconsistency happens in the repeated part


hmm unsure, but I'll shorten it

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

Kinda confused why 00:34:590 - here you went into triples when the vocals come in when 00:29:538 - you didn't do so here. I think it would be better if you made both parts use triples with the simplified rice patterns around it if you want to highlight the vocal dissonance here.


added some stuff at earlier ,but different way as vocal have different impact to me. Also added some 1/2 jack so it's more difficult in line with certain other section

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:39:012 - is the barely audible, whisky percussion stuff really the sound to prioritize here


I know it's not too noticeable, but the sound does exist and I like how it works as a transition. No change for now

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:42:801 (42801|3,42959|2,43117|1,43275|0) - These releases are kinda intrusive imo especially when the LN release difficulty in this chart is relatively easy, so it feels really out of the blue. I think it would be better if you simplified them since players at this level will find these releases quite awkward anyways


Is now more hold than offset release focused

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:42:819 (42819|3,42977|2,43135|1,43293|0) - Feel like the LN here is a bit extraggated as there is no such intense sound to support that in this calm part, bascially it's just vocal+pretty weak background, maybe just shorten 00:42:977 (42977|2) - to 1/1 would be better

00:47:872 (47872|1) - Same here


first one is more end heavy so i reduce length of first LN instead, 2nd one applied

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:53:143 (53143|2) - Tbh I'm not sure about this LN here, I think the song is in the background enough to confidently ignore it. I also think the addition of 1/4th here is unnecessary and takes away from the purpose of the rest of the 1/4th patterning which is used for the stronger sounds.



Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:53:380 (53380|1,53433|2,53485|3) - You didn't use 1/6th before like at all, and the sound was simplified. I think it would make sense to simplify it here as well since you simplify all the 1/6th sounds in the map anyway (+ to fit with the overall difficulty of the chart)


change to 1/4

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

00:53:538 - bruh why is this part so much easier than 00:48:485


just something with how I construct buildups by making start less intense to give end artificially more intensity. Don't see the better way to do this rn ,so yeah will not change unless someone suggests better approach or i get big brain idea

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:00:090 (60090|2) - I don't think this LN should be extended to follow suit with 00:59:301 (59301|1,59459|1) - this motif since the sound is distinctly short and the pattern lacks contrast from 01:00:169 (60169|1,60169|0) - . I can see why the LN was extended, but I simply think you can convey the same feeling with keeping the patterns consistent and leaving 01:00:169 (60169|1,60169|0) - these extended.


Agree. Used that opportunity to add more 1/4

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:01:117 (61117|0,61117|1,61117|2,61117|3,61433|1,61433|2,61433|3,61433|0,61748|3,61748|0,61748|1,61748|2) - Breaks guideline for chords see:
"Avoid chords with more than 3 notes. This includes long note patterns that involve notes in more than three columns."
RC is a bit :woozy: for this one but I thought I should bring it up anyway.

I think the concept would work better here anyways as something like ( + ) to keep the momentum of the rhythm implied by the song here


This part is also just kinda weird cus you suddenly bring in quads despite you mainly using doubles for the synth noises everywhere else, so that's also why I think repatterning to something similar as I suggested would work better


Quad RC is eh and imo can be ignored with enough reduction of density. As for why I map it like this: There is constant 1/4 in background during this section but esp. from 01:01:275 - the synth really takes over and drowns it out almost entirely. For that I only switch to big sound on 1/1 (and that one vocal at 01:02:222 (62222|2) - ) and intentionally break up the momentum. So idk about adding additional 1/2, will keep for now

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

Want to note that while making a better transition from 01:05:854 - I found a way to keep the feeling more continuous while removing quads. I still don't think quads are wrong there just other way is more interesting, also this change is not really easier I think


01:12:187 (72187|1) - missing double for clap i think

01:15:977 (75977|0) -


whoops fixed

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:18:485 - Could definitely add a note on col 4 here for the clap like you did earlier, I think there's enough room



Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:19:906 (79906|0,80064|0,80222|0,80380|2,80538|2) - What exactly are these jacks meant to represent? The faint percussion sound has a different sound at 01:19:906 - and also the sound is so quite that I don't think it warrants having this obtrusive of a pattern especially when you transition into it still holding a LN.


01:20:538 - was unnecessary removed. Other 3 are slight kick , sound same to me. Reduced amount of LN held with vocal change

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:19:924 (79924|0,80240|0) - Kinda don't get how these 2 notes work here, basically it feels way too minor compared with other drum notes, also the stack way makes it more confusing as that anchors seem to not be justified from the song

01:21:187 (81187|3) - gives me the same feeling, it has sound but too weak compared with others


there is sound , I choose to map it

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:27:643 (87643|2,87696|1,87748|0,87801|2,87959|1,88012|2,88064|3,88117|1,88275|2,88327|3,88380|1) - I think it would be better if you avoided 01:27:643 (87643|2,87801|2,87959|1,88117|1) - these in the bursts here since this is basically the only time you use 1/6th and it makes these bursts really tight. Which I think comes out of nowhere considering the difficulty never really features bursts of this caliber


I don't really see the issue , density is even lower than say 00:57:327 (57327|3,57327|2,57406|1,57485|0,57485|3) - where you have 5 note during 1/2 versus 4 here. 1/2 jack also is on other hand from 1/6 so even if it is slightly harder reading wise I don't see it as a bigger spike.

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:28:398 (88398|1) - Do you have special reason to end your stream here instead of 1/2 line like previous? Think the sound is still continous


Intensity seems to me to get bit less to 01:28:608 (88608|3,88687|2,88766|3) - + make a bit easier for hard

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:28:398 (88398|1) - Do you have special reason to end your stream here instead of 1/2 line like previous? Think the sound is still continous



Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:45:327 - This part seems a bit too spikey, mainly reading wise but it also the coordination for the LN for players at this level is a lot higher than the rest of the difficulty, mainly due to 01:45:485 (105485|1,105643|2,105722|1,105801|2,105959|1,106038|2,106117|1,106275|2,106354|1,106433|2) -. So I think either the density needs to be toned down similar to 01:40:275 - or the rhythms simplified


hmm maybe needs more discussion/perspective ,but for me when I play this it's not even the hardest part of the diff due to the pretty simplistic execution required. Ofc I'm a bit better player than hard diff but for reference I can ~950 my diff while ~750 insane so difficulty seems still quite distanced




think it would be better to nerf this from spread reason, 950k vs 750k is more like a comparison overall but can't provide an exact view of this single part

and release with 1/4 is also pretty difficult to control, with high density it's closer to insane level imo


removed some 1/4 , it is still hard but maybe more reasonable reading wise now. I am content with current difficulty personally

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:45:485 did you forget you were making a hard diff


yeeeah this pattern. Made it more playable. It's still a bit hard. Maybe fine now

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:49:117 - This long stream at the end of the map seems a bit much and I think it starts to cross over into breaching the RC rule about long 1/4th streams. They're straining for a reason, and I think having it as the outro of the map where this is meant to be a calm section doesn't make sense in accordance to the intensity spread of the song


have to redesign this then putting breaks for suck continuous sound hmm , will change in some way


change part in it's entirety

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:51:187 - to 01:56:714 - Personally feel it's totollay enough to just use single consider overall intensity of sound in this part, even if it can be heard mutiple sound, i don't think they'er enough to be a double when hard diff's chord usage is not that large

Also, when using double, things like 01:51:187 (111187|0,111345|0,111503|1,111661|0,111661|1) - is pretty uncomfortable and confusing to hit especially consider it's a calm part


this part is still kinda intense so i feel double has reason. Lightened double toward end + some repattern for hopefully better comfort

Marked as resolved by BadDragon

01:56:714 - the vocal does go a bit weaker here, but is it really wise to change to focus another sound which is even weaker than the vocal? Also end at 01:58:135 - is pretty weird when the same vocal as previous is still much audiable


added more at end

Marked as resolved by BadDragon