00:12:380 (12380|3) - could make this to 1/2 LN because you did at 00:07:580 (7580|0) - this
00:27:230 (27230|3) - i'd move this to 1 and 00:27:380 (27380|1,27530|2) - to [2][3] for better pitch relevancy
00:50:180 (50180|3,50180|2,50217|1,50255|0,50330|3) - suggesting to ctrl + h this pattern to avoid the awkward 00:50:030 (50030|3,50180|3,50330|3,50480|3) -
01:00:980 (60980|0) - Why you don't make this to 1/4 LN just you did in 01:01:580 (61580|1) - ?
If you accept this, swap 01:00:980 (60980|0,61017|1) - these column. My reason is same as #3682799
01:02:180 (62180|0,62330|2,62480|1,62630|3,62780|0,62930|1,63080|2,63230|3,63380|2,63530|0,63680|1) - Good patterning!
I think this can also work to represent the music a bit more (Only if you're satisfied with it) -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/763538078417158175/1072415168690130954/screenshot357.jpg
why ignore note? :v 01:09:980 and 01:19:580 Like what u did on 01:07:580 (67580|3) - and 01:12:380 (72380|1) - and 01:17:180 (77180|3) -
01:23:180 (83180|1,83330|0) - Can prob extend the LN by 1 bar? Since the sound here is longer Like this sound here on 01:23:480 (83480|2,83630|3) - sounds shorter (Can playback rate 50% if u agree)
Like what you did on -> 04:47:180 (287180|3,287380|2,287530|1,287630|0) - (u could prob use the same pattern but re-arrange it)
if you're still curious https://i.imgur.com/S7dsEtj.png those red lines are where the drum beats land (the length of the line is not important)
01:35:930 (95930|0,95930|1,95930|3) - We need to move one of these notes to col 3 because you using jack 2 notes in 01:36:080 - , 01:36:980 - , and 01:37:280 - those sections
01:40:580 - here's an idea to give more identity to the 1/16 and the 1/8 pattern changes here: have the 1/16 patterns locked to something like [21][34] and [12][43] so they're either both pointing towards or away from the centre (i'd recommend doing 1 for one bar and the other for the other bar) and then having the 1/8 go in a straight line, whether that's 1234 or 4321
01:45:380 (105380|1) - the SVs in this map overall make it extremely difficult to read normally, and have zero warning / fluid transitions into them, i'd suggest either removing them entirely or fixing them to be more normalised / fluid
01:54:680 (114680|0,114680|3,114755|1,114830|2,114830|3,114905|0) - if you're not willing to repeat the earlier section here at least make this more exciting by putting minijcks in so something like [34][3][12][1] (and rearrange earlier pattern)
01:57:080 (117080|1,117080|2,117080|0,117230|0,117230|2,117230|1) - can change the pattern a bit? Because the sound here is different
Suggestion you can do -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/763538078417158175/1070554710626541638/screenshot352.jpg
Same in this part 03:11:480 (191480|2,191480|3,191480|1,191630|2,191630|3,191630|1) -
02:04:730 (124730|1,124730|3,124730|0,124805|2,124880|0,124880|1,124992|2,124992|3,124992|0) - these triples seem very weird definitely considering 02:04:880 (124880|0,124880|1) - is only a double
I made the double in 02:04:880 (124880|0,124880|1) into a triple, does that work?
02:04:730 (124730|3,124730|0,124730|1,124992|2,124992|3,124992|0) - i still reckon these should be brought down to a double since there's not as intense sound here
you think u can move this part? 02:08:930 (128930|0,129080|0,129230|0) - to col 2 for better hand balance so no torture for left hand
cuz rn it looks like this (02:08:180 (128180|0,128330|0,128480|0,128630|0,128780|0,128930|0,129080|0,129230|0) - )
02:18:080 (138080|2) - AIMod Error detected
Man, why you put shortest LN in here and this suppose to be normal note D:
02:39:380 (159380|2,159380|3) - should find a way to represent the growl going on here since it's the most prominent sound
Hmm... I could give any suggestion about this, by making single LN for representating growl sound in here. With that, beside for following growl sound, you could representate the background sound since they have same time to appear.
02:42:905 (162905|0) - move to 02:42:755 - to avoid the minijack as other similar sounds didnt have minijack like 02:45:155 (165155|3,165155|0,165230|2,165230|1,165305|0,165380|2,165380|3,165380|1) -
can we copy 02:50:780 (170780|2,170780|0,170930|3,170930|1,171080|0,171080|2,171230|2,171230|0,171380|3,171380|1,171380|0,171530|0,171530|2,171530|1,171680|3,171680|2,171680|0,171830|3,171830|0,171830|1) - to 02:53:180 till 02:54:230 because they sound the same bit CTRL + H to reverse the patterning
Like this -> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/763538078417158175/1088349253732159589/screenshot375.jpg
Also move this 02:54:530 (174530|1) - to col 3 to match it with 02:51:980 (171980|3,171980|2,171980|1,172130|1,172130|0) -
03:01:580 (181580|2,181580|3,181580|1,181730|0,181730|1) - can do a bit more with this like having the 1/4 lines having single notes at 1 and then moving the red line double to [34]
04:50:180 - idk man, this section having so many jumptrills/splittrills kinda just takes away from the melody; it feels unnecessarily dense. might be worth taking a step back and looking what actually needs note representation in this section, definitely considering the buildup after it is currently less dense for some reason
it kinda just misses the mark when it comes to following the melody. in this image https://i.imgur.com/QSF9Hnk.png i would expect everything next to a red line at the minimum to have a double, which is fine for all except one, so i would rearrange to fit that (this goes for like every bar), though you can have more doubles that aren't on the red lines in this section as well, don't think it's too limited
sorry for the equally long repsonse, i got caught with the just-not-opening-the-game-for-10-days, I noticed that you applied the changes to the first bar of notes at 04:50:180 - but the changes are still missing from 04:51:380 - up to 04:58:580 - so if you can apply the same changes all the way up that'd be perfect
05:28:280 (328280|2,328355|2,328430|1,328505|1) - Suggesting to remove to change to singles since its not strong sounds.
05:40:505 (340505|0,340505|1) - remove as there is no strong sound occur to put double in here. With that this 05:40:430 (340430|1,340430|0) - can be triple and you can even add one note at column 1 in 05:40:580 -
05:52:055 (352055|2,352205|1,352430|3) - ok make these LNs, mainly 05:52:430 (352430|3) - which goes up FAR aka with the rest of the LNs, 05:52:580 (352580|1,352580|2) - make these single notes and then do some 1/2 stuff in the middle two columns (not just alternating notes back and forth)