Good map, although I would love little changes here and there, for example:
01:04:800 (3,4,1) - 02:03:235 (3,4,1) - and 03:10:018 (3,4,1) - the 1/4 gaps should have been filled in here (so prob like a double burst or short stream)
02:15:756 (4) and 02:17:843 (4) - here you should have put two sliders instead of one (or a triple)
03:01:539 (2,3) - This spacing is bigger for no reason (the cooldown part is still in effect according to the song and vid)
03:05:844 (3,4) - This could have been a kick slider to fit the song more
and then at places like 02:32:452 (1,2,3,4) - for example its overmapped (2 doesnt follow any sound, you just put it there to fill the stream gap)
I dont know how much you care about this map, but tbh I would love changes like these. If you need any help or agree with me hit me up in dms, I will be more than happy to help you out.
Sure, once I get home I will re-check the map and note all of the things I see in separate suggestions.
Highly recommend hyping this map for ranked.. It is in my belief that this map has the potential to strike the interest of many, casual and competitive players alike. This map is farmable for those that are wondering. I promise you, this map won't disappoint.
(TRANSLATED) このマップをランク付けすることを強くお勧めします。このマップは、多くのカジュアルで競争力のあるプレイヤーにとって興味深いものになると思います。このマップは、疑問に思っている人のためのPPファームになる可能性があります。私はあなたに約束します、この地図は失望しません。