00:17:213 (37,38,39) / 00:32:573 (204,205,206) - can i ask why you didnt go for a finisher pattern here like how you mapped the rest of these crashes (ex 00:19:253 / 00:26:933)
theres nothing wrong with having a red tick finisher and a gap that ignores a downbeat, especially if there isnt any strong noise to map on said downbeat :p
Im fine with ignoring the downbeat since the sound was strong enough, but imo the part doesn't flow enough to make that work well
00:40:373 (286,287,288,289,290,291,292,293) 00:41:333 (297,298,299,300,301,302,303,304) - god these patterns are so sexy
02:08:213 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15) - think using a rhythm like o-ooooooo would work better? its a really strong vocal and since youre bridging into using more quints as the kiai progresses i think using longer patterning would help show said stronger vocal
I don' wanna do this cuz it would be pretty hard for a 7-note pattern out of nowhere but I reworked it a bit