00:03:569 (3569|2) - [nitpick]
this ln should be 1/2 or 3/4 because the vocal syllable has a short break before the next one
This makes sense, I also looked at other instances of a similar sound and they all are shortened to 1/2. Thanks for pointing out, applied.
00:11:334 (11334|0,11687|3,13451|0,13804|3) - why not double LN like 00:12:040 (12040|1,12040|0,12040|2) - ?
I think my initial intention was to create a build up from 1 LN to 2 LN then back to 1 LN to transition into the fill, but keeping them as double LN still makes sense. I applied. thanks
01:21:216 (81216|3,81216|2,81569|2,81569|1) - I suggest to make them 1/1LN+1/2LN like 01:20:863 (80863|1,80863|0) -
after 01:21:922 (81922|1,81922|0,82275|1,82275|2) - 1/1LN+3/4LN seems good to present the sounds, no need to change
I like this, creates better distinction from the end of the vocals to the synth. Thanks, applied!